18 thoughts on “Boring Douche”

  1. You bore us, you aren’t clever, you aren’t funny, and your picture is unflattering.

    Thanks for trying. Maybe in your next life you will improve.

  2. Too bad he’s right…. sorry guys, theres a lot of guys out there who are not clever, funny or goodlooking. He’s just preaching the truth:/

  3. Wow! Way to stay optimistic Debbie Downer!

    Chances are: You’re fugly cause you didn’t include your face!

  4. So do guys reply thinking ‘ he’s going to like me cos I’m so nice and interesting ?’ Imagine this approach in a face to face meeting ..

  5. Isis the Scientist: On the other hand, I am weary of the idea of women having to form comeettmis and groups to address the problem of discrimination without ever having the power to point a finger at someone and say, This thing that you are doing right now is wrong. Because of professional consequences, so many women are afraid to publicly denounce these behaviors and end up spending portions of their careers living in fear or discomfort.Hear, hear!It seems to me that many woman haters are able to operate only because no one actually rises against them. Woman bashing is sort of the norm and actively opposing moronic and harmful stunts just is not done . So, the douchebags continue to operate in a kind of illusory sense of security. Because no one challenges or slut-shames them, they think that no one can.

  6. This site is ironic. The comments are full of haters who need to make fun of damaged goods caused my life experiences. No wonder gay men have such a bad wrap at being so unkind to each other. Gays no doubt contribute to these guys having hatred, and then sit back and enjoy the show safely behind their computer screen while throwing rocks. Vicious circle of insecure gaydom. What a nasty shit stirring site this is.


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