13 thoughts on “Sister Douche”

  1. And another hideous piece of shit homophobe full of self hatred. I understand it in the young guys who are still insecure but what excuse can a 37 year old give, except that he is most like dumb as dog shit. YUCK

  2. Seriously, when will guys realize that hating on femininity/femme guys does not make you masculine? Also, anyone who uses a phrase like “sister bitch queen” has to be a bit of queen themselves at times, cause that’s a pretty bitchy term.

  3. Says the man with the not-too-original bicep tattoo and the overly tanned body.

    Yeah, real masculine hon.

  4. Says he’s currently “Exclusive” yet is looking for dates or a relationship? Must be exclusively with himself. What a douche!

  5. I can understand why he’s not looking for fems…but really? You could have NOT been a douche about it. A simple “You’re not my type” upon chatting with someone would have sufficed, not “LOLOL NOT LOOKING FOR A SISTER BITCH QUEEN” on your public profile.

  6. He’s not a douche-you ‘guys’ are-, and your responses validate why he’s rejected you, as a group.


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