15 thoughts on “Go with the Douche”

  1. Sounds like such an approachable, warm individual. Certainly inspires romance and intimacy.

  2. Again very careful filtering here.. Call bull shit on age but otherwise if he isn’t being racist etc he’s not s douche.

  3. He’s not a douche.
    Obviously, he’s tired of being approached by men he doesn’t fancy…who can’t take rejection.

  4. Hes not being racist or anything phobic. He looks a bit overfiltered but thats not a big deal. He isnt even pretending to be friendly or likeable, so why the offence ?

  5. @Adam
    “He’s not a douche.
    Obviously, he’s tired of being approached by men he doesn’t fancy…who can’t take rejection.”

    ‘Obviously’, his attitude created a terrible situation for himself to not be approached. He’s not better-looking than a lot of visually mere-decent guys out there, and then he demands that people let him be the one to hit them up, if he’s interested. He’s more likely than not one of those idiots who will block you if he’s interested in you and YOU don’t respond back to him; despite his demanding that he should be the one to get guys and not the opposite.

  6. In regards to those who commented on his “pointy male tits”, some gay guys find that sexually attractive in other gay guys. He doesn’t “look like a woman”.
    His appearance isn’t the focus of the issue. It’s his attitude.


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