4 thoughts on “Ugly Douche”

  1. Guys, come now. We’re all adults. The worst thing we can do is combat puerile idiocy with puerile idiocy. The moment we answer a problematic individual with name-calling and finger-pointing insults, we’ve become the other wrong. See? Now, he doesn’t look too bad, because we are the other slices of bad.

    No, his face is not ugly. He looks fine. Let’s focus on the actual issue at hand which makes him ugly.

    – He’s racially exclusionary. He lost out on very beautiful, sexually attractive men who are Asian, Black and other races (that may commonly be deemed sexually unpopular by narrow, prejudicial people).

    – He doesn’t want guys who are “too old”. If he took the time to consider that some white hair bodybuilders or semi-muscular fathers are in their 50s, 60s and even 70s, he would realize that the sexually attractive descriptor doesn’t fall on only guys in their 20s and late teens. Hell, we have porn names and companies that are primarily devoted to just this genre.

    – He doesn’t want guys who are “too fat”. The problem with this one is (and I’m addressing it impersonally, since THIS one is a favorite among even well-meaning people), humans are primarily attracted to the face. There are extremely cute, handsome, alluring men who are big and “unattractive” around the waste but have eyes to die for and lips that are sensually wet and really soft and plush to meet with other lips. And then, on the other extreme end, we have fit, muscular guys whos faces may resemble clowns; their eyes and lips look more like a comedy act than any actual sexually gratifying physical hookup, which may take away from the attractiveness for the rest of the body. Given the choice for a purely physical hookup, I (and many, I’m sure) would go for the big guy with sexy, beautiful eyes and thick, kissable lips every time. And then, when I’m extremely horny, whether he’s big or not would matter even less.
    (As a side note: Of course, if the unattractive clown-looking muscular guy is a nice guy with a good heart towards other humans, that will always be some kind of turn on at least for me.)

    And, if you’re going to rate my post a thumbs down, please ask yourself why; and consider whether or not calling this Grindr head ugly back as a cheap, convenient recourse really does much to help the issue.

  2. I find all white guys utterly repulsive, but like this mofo is especially repulsive, fucked in the head and on top of that, thinks he’s top shit. Like get a mirror or something and apply a lot of make up. Looks ugly as fuck, even for a whity.


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