Aside from this douche profile being blatantly anti-Semitic, it appears to be an odd provocation from someone who clearly doesn’t understand the gay community. Why would he say, “how do you get a Jewish girl’s number,” instead of “how do you get a Jewish guy’s number?”  It seems like some Nazi is trying to troll Grindr to encourage more hate.
What a racist pig
We have douchebag racists. But, THIS…. this is a completely different conversation all together.
The man is promoting his Holocaust hateful in the form of a backhanded joke. I wonder if he was reported to Grindr; and, furthermore, if a civil lawsuit was filed against him.
Holocaust **hate
(sentence correction)
Hahah. It’s a good joke.
Jews rock!
Yes, Jewish people do rock, and I love them dearly.
No, it was not a good joke; and, I hope you didn’t actually think so. It was an egregious reference to a time when people were persecuted and killed for their real/perceived identity. And, it’s not funny.