9 thoughts on “Plane Douche”

  1. He’s not a douche, self-loathing or racist.
    He’s a masculine man and is attracted to his peers, on every level.
    If that’s not you, deal with it.

  2. These,apps certainly do magnify the self dislike many gay guys end up saddled with. The guy could be an absolute legend but this makes him seem sour and angry.
    Enter generic response from Adam below.

  3. @Adam

    can you shut the fuck up?? Like we get it, you like excusing racism and liking your own comments. This website isn’t for you, can you fuck off??

  4. Came on here for a laugh at some pathetic white guys. Who is this Adam fellow who keeps commenting on everything? I’d love to pick their prissy little brain if they had any cerebral matter.

  5. This Adam character seems to comment on every post lol. He must have been featured on this site as a douche and has developed some sort of obsessive complex where he needs to troll this place constantly as some weird form of revenge that literally NO ONE cares about. And his main argument seems to be that people have the right to be rude a-holes if they please, which is absolutely correct. What he doesn’t seem to understand is that other people also have the right to call those people douches. Weird that he would get stuck on such a logic loop, but as we all know, there are a lot of soft brains out there in the world!


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