6 thoughts on “Bag o Dicks Douche”

  1. He is cute.. Although smug selfie does make him look like a price
    If u have to hashtag yourself sexy #trying too hard

  2. He’s not a douche. He’s just not willing to settle for anyone less attractive than he is. In other words, HE HAS STANDARDS.
    If you don’t meet them, that’s not his fault, but, your hysterical reactions prove that his rejection was the right decision.:)

  3. It’s not up to him to decide if he’s “hot.” That’s up to whoever sees him. Anybody who says “I’m hot” is a dick. Anybody says “I’m too hot for ugly” is a pure douchebag.

  4. Sad thing about Adam is that, like the grinder head in question, he really is very myopically single-minded. I just don’t know which word describes him better: unintelligent or childish.

    Ugly is not a “standard”. It is a non-universal, fruitlessly superficial opinion that is limited to the individual overlaying that opinion; no two person consents as to what ugly is. (For me, “ugly” may include muscular guys whos pec line is at or above the nipples (I’ve actually seen guys like this!), compounded with their eyes’ expressions mimicking that of an 11-year-old brat.) Furthermore, no two person sees another person in the exact same way. What’s ugly to me maybe golden-sexy to another pair of eyes.


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