6 thoughts on “Go Block Yourself, Dickhead!”

  1. Admin is STILL No getting laid – bitter and vindictive.
    Stop going after white dudes, and get a life,

  2. He’s not into blacks or indians.
    Black and indian boys: after you stop crying for being refused by such a choosy divinity, call me. I’m deeeeeply into you!

  3. Israeli Greek? Does that mean hes probably Arabic? I’ve met a lot of ‘italian ‘blokes from North Africa! Again -think of a nicer way to say it mate

  4. He’s probably tried to “be nice” about his preferences, but, some people refuse to take the hint, so, he has to be blunt. If they don’t like it, they can just leave him alone, which is what he wanted in the first place.:)

  5. I think knowing the location of someone before commenting is important. I saw a,profile saying ‘ whites only ‘ this dude was in central Ireland where there’s nothing but white lads,!
    israeliiGreek ..is that code for Arabic ??


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