10 thoughts on “Dangerous Douche”

  1. No information in the profile and no face. I guess he thinks his back is the best part of his body.

  2. “Hi! Let’s be friends! I’m sure you’ll want to inspect my back so let’s get that out of the way!”

    1. You ACTUALLY say this before anyone actually said anything sounding remotely bitter.

      You could TRY to be stupid with at least better tact and style, but nope.

      1. LOL
        No, I actually POSTED that, AFTER others had already posted bitter/bitchy replies to his profile.
        Geez, if yer gonna lie, try not to post one that’s so easily refuted.
        Also, prove me wrong.:)

    1. LOL
      Tippy, why are you running after each of my posts, trying to deflect from the fact that you can’t refute them?:)

  3. They’re always bottoms, bitchy bottoms.

    I don’t think they get that us tops/vers don’t find that shit sexy at all..real turn off. I have my likes and dislikes, but I think the top one has to be ‘no bitches, no drama, no arrogant dickholes’. And I’m not alone.


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