10 thoughts on “Party Douche”

  1. I’m a brown man myself, and I think this racism thing is taken too far. People are not allowed to have sexual preferences now? Come one guys! Some people like fat men and some like chiselled bodies. Some like asians, some like white men. It’s a little harsh to equate sexual preference to racism

    1. WHat really amuses me is all of the gay white guys screaming about racism, as if any of them will ever be affected by it, meanwhile ignoring the real racism POC endure in the LGBT “community” daily.
      With all of the POC who have “come out” within the past 24 months, how many of them have you seen on the cover of LGBT magazines…besides Wentworth Miller, who can, if he chose, pass for the ideal A&F poster dude?

  2. Don’t bother if your older! So he thinks he’s gonna meet cute white under 25 yr olds? Unlikely but reach for the stars buddy

  3. He’s now (at least) 28. Soon he’ll be 30. Time is a bitch, especially when you are fussy about every single year.

  4. Talk about a blurry shot. Mind you the personal ads were always full of guys in their 60s looking for under 20s,,,I always wondered how they got on…
    Also Latino guys are allowed to get picky…I love em!

  5. Yes, there are people who prefer “fats”, “oldies”, “queens”, “Asians”, “Blacks”, etc., and there are those who don’t.

    However, when Blacks, Asians, “fats” and “olds” consistently read “no fats, fems, Asians, Blacks”, it’s not hard to realize that it’s not a “preference”. It is a problem of discrimination rooted in social construct. No longer, then, can you dismiss it as merely “some people like them, other’s don’t.” Many to most do not sexually like “Blacks, Asians, oldies, fems, fats., uglies, etc.” because of the way they’ve been portrayed to us.

    Take responsibility for your prejudices.

    Right, Adam?


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