31 thoughts on “OMG Really Racist Douche”

  1. It’s one thing to be racist, but to be racist when you’re fat and ugly is simply unacceptable. Hope this one enjoys being single for eternity.

  2. Wow.. So let’s see – he’s short at 5’6 and a fat, ugly teenager. I think he’s doing Black men a favour by telling them to move on! Although, I don’t think he even needs to actually say that because looking at his mug will make you run a mile anyway.

  3. I don’t think “o rly” means that… I think he meant its unacceptable period, but when you are fat and ugly, it’s just sad.

  4. Can you change the “OMG Really Racist Douche” to:
    Fat Mkay douche?
    – I think it would be more appropriate

  5. I’d be amused if he was looking for Her on grindr, but he would have even less chances with gurls even compared to sick, desperate, borderline myopic afro people who might have somehow missed all the fat and hypocrisy he has to offer.

  6. @Wow! No, it’s not what “o rly” said. Apparently, according to some users it is more acceptable for a guy to be racist if he’s attractive. And that is sad.

    And from the comments on this blog, which nearly always attack the looks of the “douchebags”, it seems that most of the guys commenting here aren’t much better than the guys they are commenting on.

  7. ^ are you familiar with the very basic definition of temptation?
    it’s much easier to scream LOL WHAT A STUPID FAT CUNT when you see a mean dumb person who also smh happened to ditch healthy eating and visiting his exercise mentor once in a while.
    and come one girl, “WHITES ONLY” – I bet he keeps munching yolks as well, just look at all that lard.

    …now if he was giving away flowers and encouraging us to embrace the whole world, he wouldn’t have made it here at all.

  8. What man Blk, Brown, Green or Blue would be interested in Him. He might have a shot at Barney if he wore all purple..I don’t even think He set this profile up I think he’s the butt of a bad joke or atleast I hope so..

  9. Sorry, but he looks like a fat version of Corky from Life Goes On….in short, ewwww….

  10. One of the dangers of Grindr and other social media apps is that there is no real age verification. I think this kid is under 18 and is probably posting this as a sick joke. Life has not dealt him a winning hand in the “Looks Dept.” and so he probably is just acting out. OR he could be just a fat little racist shit that looks like he has Down’s Syndrome. Both scenarios are equally tragic.

  11. Yes! We are all the same! We all think you look like that fat evil man-ish looking mom from the Goonies. The only way you can get any chocolate dick if Hershey made it lol!

  12. Aha oh dear
    a) he looks like a complete gump
    b) I doubt any guy -black or otherwise- would even look twice at him unless it was to maybe step AROUND him in the hallway
    Racism is never acceptable, but there is a difference between being racist and having a preference, this boy is a racist

  13. I think it’s OK to prefer your own race over others. That in itself doesn’t make you a racist or a bad person. If that was the case then every same race couple you see out there are racist.
    I don’t prefer a few specific races myself due to personal preference (and poor past experiences). There’s nothing wrong with that.
    However, he could have gone about making his preference known in a more respectful manner.

  14. So, in his mind, being a fat white, ugly dude is sexier than being black? I guess I see his logic but it’s another thing to be so fucking rude.

  15. Lard ass is correct, in that all blacks are the same – they all do look alike. And he was polite enough to refer to them as ‘blacks’.


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