23 thoughts on “Blah Douche”

  1. I’d almost give him a “not a douche” for quoting Amazing Spider-Man, but then he does the ageist BS when he clearly needs an older guy to teach him how to act and dress.

  2. Thats the line mary jane said in the comic book for spiderman! Hes probably just hoping to attract a spidey lover!

  3. says the 22 yo who dresses like a 17 yo…
    and I still can’t understand the ‘hit the jackpot’, this kid is average at best

  4. The word is actually spelled “Ageism”; the tag’s missing the letter ‘e’ in the word.

  5. Nice under-eye circles…you’ve realized most guys over 26 have learned to steer clear of drugs. But obviously not you. Keep on with your winning druggie face and winning druggie slooty ways. You’re winning!

    A gym might help your moobs…

  6. The comments here are way more douchey than that guy. A bunch of old butthurt queens criticizing the looks of a younger guy because he has the audacity of wanting to be someone his own age.

  7. He might get a lot of much older guys sending knob shots u never know.
    A lot of guys ignore age preferences. I prefer over 30 myself.

  8. He’s not a douche, nor is he an “ageist”.
    He wants to be with his peer group.
    If that’s not you, move on and quit yer bitchin’.:)

  9. You’re just not intelligent, are you, Adam?
    I’ll “prove” it to you.
    If he merely wants to hang out with his age group, he wouldn’t be ALLERGIC to 26+.

  10. Having an attitude does not make you HOT. Almost all of the guys who’ve ever given me an attitude ( this was in person and not on grindr) were not hot or attractive to me at all.


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