11 thoughts on “IQ Douche”

  1. Guess he is saying, “Yeah my looks are mediocre, but I am so very smart.”

    I guess if I just put “14 inches” and nothing else, that would be the same thing.

    Except I’d attract more guys who want to be friendly than this yutz (I think!)

  2. wow, douchebags of douchebags of grindr should be a new site. You people are just as shitty as the people who get posted on this site. just because he put his IQ as his user name makes him a douche bag? he didn’t state that he required others to have a high IQ. you people are really mean. attacking his appearance is no better than attacking someones race or mannerisms.

  3. You’d think a guy with a 140 IQ would be able to put on a cap so that it didn’t block his vision.

  4. Taake the actual shower aand baby shower decorations.
    Getyting tied up with the clients in which a maybe caan drain you and waste lots of valuable selling time.
    How will you know when you will end the rellationship and switch?

  5. AGAIN,
    Why would you deem this guy a douche? What did he do to deserve being on this site?
    IQ tests are unreliable sources of demonstrating intelligence. People know that in the 2020 decade. That doesn’t mean his boasting about it makes him deserve a space here.


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