Just because he’s unwilling to cross the Species Barrier and fuck an Asian does not mean that he’s a racist. He just has good sense, that’s all. No reason to fuck an Asian as long as Homo Sapiens are around 🙂
Its interesting how the gay community votes democratic almost exclusively but at the same time how fucking racist it is. Its also the elephant in the living room NO ONE wants to talk about. I don’t think even Advocate (which I hate, btw) will even touch that fucking topic. Also, LOOK at this guy. Can he really afford to be a racist fuck? I mean, LOOK at him. That was a rhetorical question, the answer is NO.
Here I come with my community service announcement for today:
Have you guys ever heard of racial microaggressions?
Some info here:
From Psychology Today.com:
Microaggressions in Everyday Life: A new view on racism, sexism, and heterosexism.
by Derald Wing Sue, Ph.D., and David Rivera, M.S.
If anyone is too lazy to click on the link, lemme post the most salient part of the article:
Classifying Microaggressions
In my book, Racial Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation (John Wiley & Sons, 2010), I summarize research conducted at Teachers College, Columbia University which led us to propose a classification of racial microaggressions. Three types of current racial transgressions were described:
• Microassaults: Conscious and intentional discriminatory actions: using racial epithets, displaying White supremacist symbols – swastikas, or preventing one’s son or daughter from dating outside of their race.
• Microinsults: Verbal, nonverbal, and environmental communications that subtly convey rudeness and insensitivity that demean a person’s racial heritage or identity. An example is an employee who asks a co-worker of color how he/she got his/her job, implying he/she may have landed it through an affirmative action or quota system.
• Microinvalidations: Communications that subtly exclude negate or nullify the thoughts, feelings or experiential reality of a person of color. For instance, White people often ask Latinos where they were born, conveying the message that they are perpetual foreigners in their own land.
Our research suggests that microinsults and microinvalidiations are potentially more harmful because of their invisibility, which puts people of color in a psychological bind: While people of color may feel insulted, they are often uncertain why, and perpetrators are unaware that anything has happened and are not aware they have been offensive. For people of color, they are caught in a Catch-22. If they question the perpetrator, as in the case of the flight attendant, denials are likely to follow. Indeed, they may be labeled “oversensitive” or even “paranoid.” If they choose not to confront perpetrators, the turmoil stews and percolates in the psyche of the person taking a huge emotional toll. In other words, they are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.
Note that the denials by perpetrators are usually not conscious attempts to deceive; they honestly believe they have done no wrong. Microaggressions hold their power because they are invisible, and therefore they don’t allow Whites to see that their actions and attitudes may be discriminatory. Therein lays the dilemma. The person of color is left to question what actually happened. The result is confusion, anger and an overall draining of energy.
Anyone interested in knowing more can Google search racial microaggressions and also look up this particular journal article (most relevant because it documents online racial microaggressions like the ones you see on this website towards Asians and Blacks):
Documenting Weblog Expressions of Racial Microaggressions That Target American Indians
by D. Anthony Clark, Lisa B. Spanierman, Tamilia D. Reed, Jason R. Soble, and Sharon Cabana
Published in the Journal of Diversity in Higher Education (March 2011) Vol 4(1) pp. 39-50.
he authors obtained and analyzed data from 10 weblogs (989 pages of raw data), in which online forum contributors expressed varying views on the discontinuation of a university’s racialized mascot (i.e., Chief Illiniwek). First, the authors used a modified consensual qualitative research approach (C. E. Hill, Thompson, & Williams, 1997) to identify common themes among the data. Next, they used the Sue, Capodilupo, et al. (2007) racial microaggressions model to situate the themes from the current investigation within a relevant, parsimonious theoretical framework. The data fit well within the 3 broad categories of racial microaggressions identified previously in the literature (i.e., microinsults, microassaults, and microinvalidations). Extending the previous racial microaggressions model, 7 themes emerged from the data that comprised microaggressions targeting American Indians: (a) advocating sociopolitical dominance, (b) alleging oversensitivity, (c) waging stereotype attacks, (d) denying racism, (e) employing the logics of elimination and replacement, (f) expressing adoration, and (g) conveying grief. Some themes are consistent with previous microaggressions research, whereas others are specific to the current investigation. Implications for future research and campus interventions are discussed.
And just to drive the point home that its usually Asians pestering and being belligerent, here comes Azul cutting & pasting the exact same thing he has on every other post marked racist, taking up more space than all 13 comments before him.
Woot – here comes Andy again commenting after me. You really do have massive hard-on for me, doncha?
And how do you know for sure that I’m Asian? I have a big dick ya know – which wouldn’t fit into your stereotypes of Asians. So, I guess I ain’t Asian?
(btw, didja just shot your load with my personal revelation there? I’m sure you did…)
Do u have one original thought azul? Im starting to feel sorry for u because u clearly have Aspergers syndrome. I love ur zinger about how I’m hard for u. I mean, I ought to, that’s what I said about u for me.
My god you people need to pull the thorns out of your vaginae. Just because he won’t shag people he finds unattractive doesn’t mean he is racist (though he could be, I don’t know him). I personally don’t like black or Asian guys much. I find black guys have a strong musky odor and I don’t like the large lips or broad nose. Asian guys I tend to find too culturally reserved, and the ones I have shagged tend to have sub-par length and insist on being the top only.
He’s not a douche. He has every right to like only other white guys. Besides, it’s not like any of you “anti-racists” actually care about the mistreatment of people of color.
Hahaha. What a joke.
No wonder he’s single at his age.
A little ugly (inside AND out) to be so picky, aren’t we?
Just because he’s unwilling to cross the Species Barrier and fuck an Asian does not mean that he’s a racist. He just has good sense, that’s all. No reason to fuck an Asian as long as Homo Sapiens are around 🙂
Parker is right on. Thumbs up!!!!!! He and I both fuck goats daily instead of subhumans from the Asian continent.
Parker probably just posted as someone else to support himself lol to call Asians subhumans is to ignore the direction of evolution altogether
Its interesting how the gay community votes democratic almost exclusively but at the same time how fucking racist it is. Its also the elephant in the living room NO ONE wants to talk about. I don’t think even Advocate (which I hate, btw) will even touch that fucking topic. Also, LOOK at this guy. Can he really afford to be a racist fuck? I mean, LOOK at him. That was a rhetorical question, the answer is NO.
Yawn. Another busted disgruntled Asian trying to guilt and shame white men into wanting to have sex with them.
Naw, actually mostly white. I just have a problem with hypocrites and assholes, i.e. you. 🙂 Thanks
Hey moderator you need to block this Parker racist douchebag from making comments. He is way out of line
Sorry if you missed my satire.
No, Oldie, your snark is obvious. Parker is just racist.
This grindr dude looks like he wears a white hood in his off hours.
Parker, Scott & this douche Craig, are in fine company. Total ignorant racist fucktards!!!
give me an Asian (even a below average looking one) any day over this ugly, ignorant fuckhead!
Here I come with my community service announcement for today:
Have you guys ever heard of racial microaggressions?
Some info here:
From Psychology Today.com:
Microaggressions in Everyday Life: A new view on racism, sexism, and heterosexism.
by Derald Wing Sue, Ph.D., and David Rivera, M.S.
If anyone is too lazy to click on the link, lemme post the most salient part of the article:
Classifying Microaggressions
In my book, Racial Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation (John Wiley & Sons, 2010), I summarize research conducted at Teachers College, Columbia University which led us to propose a classification of racial microaggressions. Three types of current racial transgressions were described:
• Microassaults: Conscious and intentional discriminatory actions: using racial epithets, displaying White supremacist symbols – swastikas, or preventing one’s son or daughter from dating outside of their race.
• Microinsults: Verbal, nonverbal, and environmental communications that subtly convey rudeness and insensitivity that demean a person’s racial heritage or identity. An example is an employee who asks a co-worker of color how he/she got his/her job, implying he/she may have landed it through an affirmative action or quota system.
• Microinvalidations: Communications that subtly exclude negate or nullify the thoughts, feelings or experiential reality of a person of color. For instance, White people often ask Latinos where they were born, conveying the message that they are perpetual foreigners in their own land.
Our research suggests that microinsults and microinvalidiations are potentially more harmful because of their invisibility, which puts people of color in a psychological bind: While people of color may feel insulted, they are often uncertain why, and perpetrators are unaware that anything has happened and are not aware they have been offensive. For people of color, they are caught in a Catch-22. If they question the perpetrator, as in the case of the flight attendant, denials are likely to follow. Indeed, they may be labeled “oversensitive” or even “paranoid.” If they choose not to confront perpetrators, the turmoil stews and percolates in the psyche of the person taking a huge emotional toll. In other words, they are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.
Note that the denials by perpetrators are usually not conscious attempts to deceive; they honestly believe they have done no wrong. Microaggressions hold their power because they are invisible, and therefore they don’t allow Whites to see that their actions and attitudes may be discriminatory. Therein lays the dilemma. The person of color is left to question what actually happened. The result is confusion, anger and an overall draining of energy.
Anyone interested in knowing more can Google search racial microaggressions and also look up this particular journal article (most relevant because it documents online racial microaggressions like the ones you see on this website towards Asians and Blacks):
Documenting Weblog Expressions of Racial Microaggressions That Target American Indians
by D. Anthony Clark, Lisa B. Spanierman, Tamilia D. Reed, Jason R. Soble, and Sharon Cabana
Published in the Journal of Diversity in Higher Education (March 2011) Vol 4(1) pp. 39-50.
he authors obtained and analyzed data from 10 weblogs (989 pages of raw data), in which online forum contributors expressed varying views on the discontinuation of a university’s racialized mascot (i.e., Chief Illiniwek). First, the authors used a modified consensual qualitative research approach (C. E. Hill, Thompson, & Williams, 1997) to identify common themes among the data. Next, they used the Sue, Capodilupo, et al. (2007) racial microaggressions model to situate the themes from the current investigation within a relevant, parsimonious theoretical framework. The data fit well within the 3 broad categories of racial microaggressions identified previously in the literature (i.e., microinsults, microassaults, and microinvalidations). Extending the previous racial microaggressions model, 7 themes emerged from the data that comprised microaggressions targeting American Indians: (a) advocating sociopolitical dominance, (b) alleging oversensitivity, (c) waging stereotype attacks, (d) denying racism, (e) employing the logics of elimination and replacement, (f) expressing adoration, and (g) conveying grief. Some themes are consistent with previous microaggressions research, whereas others are specific to the current investigation. Implications for future research and campus interventions are discussed.
And just to drive the point home that its usually Asians pestering and being belligerent, here comes Azul cutting & pasting the exact same thing he has on every other post marked racist, taking up more space than all 13 comments before him.
don’t worry hon, i don’t think asians and indians are into you either.
Umm ugly! That was all I could say.
Slurpee Indians which are technically Asians or Casino Indians, ya douche
Woot – here comes Andy again commenting after me. You really do have massive hard-on for me, doncha?
And how do you know for sure that I’m Asian? I have a big dick ya know – which wouldn’t fit into your stereotypes of Asians. So, I guess I ain’t Asian?
(btw, didja just shot your load with my personal revelation there? I’m sure you did…)
Do u have one original thought azul? Im starting to feel sorry for u because u clearly have Aspergers syndrome. I love ur zinger about how I’m hard for u. I mean, I ought to, that’s what I said about u for me.
I like a nice Indian guy myself and I am Scottish White!
I’d rather spend an evening with a Nice Asian guy than a snarky bitchy old queen with issues, and my bf is Latino ! Uf that makes sense
My god you people need to pull the thorns out of your vaginae. Just because he won’t shag people he finds unattractive doesn’t mean he is racist (though he could be, I don’t know him). I personally don’t like black or Asian guys much. I find black guys have a strong musky odor and I don’t like the large lips or broad nose. Asian guys I tend to find too culturally reserved, and the ones I have shagged tend to have sub-par length and insist on being the top only.
He’s not a douche. He has every right to like only other white guys. Besides, it’s not like any of you “anti-racists” actually care about the mistreatment of people of color.