23 thoughts on “Sunglasses Douche”

    1. I think I am glad the douche is the one on the left. THe one on the right is willing to show his face and has a nice body.

      THe one on the left hides his face behind the sunglasses, plus he has the cheesy bicep tattoo

    2. Yes and I’ve met he guy in the right before in Sydney. Very nice guy, he has a lot of gay mates but is straight!
      Obviously the little gay guy is trying to sexy up his profile by including him which means it will get a second look from many! Worked for us anyway!

  1. I so just took a pic of this profile and came here to send it, but someone beat me to it. This idiot just an even worse tagline since though with no Asians or colored guys

  2. the one on the right is hot, i agree.

    hope your getting lots of hits Goerge. -your “dollars as todays religion” comments were thought provoking

  3. What’s wrong with his profile? Only people who really have problems with these guys are the jealous ones let’s be honest people who have the time to do these posts are obviously sad ugly guys who have been rejected and it makes them feel better. I think people can write as they please it’s a free world if u dont like what they say move on and get over it if there not into you

    1. I agree but if you want to put bullshit out for the entire world to see, then its equal game.

  4. He does look like a fan boy who’s met an Aussie Rules player…also I’m sure the player doesn’t Realise his pic so on grindr! There’s a lot of if guys like like this in Sydney, hot bods, into the drugs scene and not really very pleasant.

  5. I’ve actually met both these,guys. Jarred is an absolute sweet guy, really lovely. I know one of his,mates. I think.i.met sunglasses at a dance party in Sydney. He was actually really nice . Mind you he,was off his chops on pills . he ended up taking this huge westie bear home !


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