18 thoughts on “Laid Black Douche”

  1. It always sounds harsh when you refer to caucasians as “whites” and African Americans as “blacks”. Sound like terms more fitting for the 60’s… and even then, they were going out of style and becoming politically incorrect.

    1. Dear AR, not all black people are African American. All African Americans are black, but not the reverse. There are black people all over the world. Can you grasp that? I hope so.

  2. AR the word African-american is confusing and belongs to the concept of hyphenated americanism (american obsession with ancestry), Obama is genuinely African-american, most black people . I really dislike caucasian as a term because it belongs to the heyday of scientific racism, and it’s too vague, caucasian could mean a norwegian or an indian.

  3. 28? Oh my. Doesn’t sound very laid back to me!
    Mins there’s there’s so many Anti black guys out there I guess it’s good to see so done who us the opposite! On another note, I’ve met many Egyptians, Turks and Moroccans who all. Claim to be ‘ European ‘

  4. Boy, white queens can’t take rejection, can you? I guess it reinforces your fears that you just don’t “measure up”…:)


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