douchebags Dis-Ease Douche February 28, 2025 admin 22 Comments Oh but what you are missing, my darling, is that you are infected with the worst disease of all: ASSHOLISM. Share this:FacebookTwitterTumblr
I dunno…but if it were me, I’d stop by at the doctor. It looks like there’s something really messed up going on with that hair line. Disease maybe? Reply
Is what we’ve been missing a tan that stops where your hairline should be (ie an inch short of your actual hairline)? Reply
Rihanna & Tyra’s long lost fiveheaded sister. She clearly came out the spaceship. Photoshop to death clearly. Sorry sweety there’s not enough filters in the world. Reply
Dude what you are missing is a hairline. Its receding like the lakes in Texas during a drought. That “product” in your hair looks HORRIBLE> Reply
He’s not a douche, and your bitchy responses to his rejection/challenge validate it. You’re all so…clever.:) Reply
Unfortunate comment…but you guys are pretty harsh!! I’m.more worried about that gold bird in the background??? Reply
Or you could always use a condom. Otherwise get off your high horse
the crabs were easy to get rid of
I dunno…but if it were me, I’d stop by at the doctor. It looks like there’s something really messed up going on with that hair line. Disease maybe?
That forehead is unreal.
Is what we’ve been missing a tan that stops where your hairline should be (ie an inch short of your actual hairline)?
The only thing I’ve been missing is the sun – unlike you…..
looks like a bad drag queen
All that chemistry is causing hair loss.
Rihanna & Tyra’s long lost fiveheaded sister. She clearly came out the spaceship. Photoshop to death clearly. Sorry sweety there’s not enough filters in the world.
Also child need to invest in a lace front.
I could land a plane up there. Possibly 2 if the winds not against me
He’s got Jesus on his Neck-u-lus! He are who he are…
Chin straps are SO 90’s.
Dude what you are missing is a hairline. Its receding like the lakes in Texas during a drought.
That “product” in your hair looks HORRIBLE>
The chin strap just makes the face you’re gaining that much more apparent!
Why are people messing with his hairline? It’s hardly the issue?
He’s not a douche, and your bitchy responses to his rejection/challenge validate it.
You’re all so…clever.:)
You validate your own comments mate more than I validate parking
Unfortunate comment…but you guys are pretty harsh!!
I’m.more worried about that gold bird in the background???