27 thoughts on “Affirmative Action Douche”

  1. Whoever decides what to publish here should get a new pair of glasses. The guys explains his SEXUAL PREFERENCE. Has nothing to do with Racism!

    1. That is NOT a preference….. PREFERENCE isnt about ELIMINATION!!! Preference is you have 10 things in front of you, and 9/10 you’ll pick ONE of those choices. Preference Is NOT however “I dont do xyz”. You are exercising PREJUDICE, and trying to wrap it up in a prettier word that it is not. If every person of a certain race is not your type BECAUSE of that race… that is Prejudice/racism… and if you say “features” you are assumming that everyone of a certain race looks the same…

  2. Tom give it up.
    I think he’s pretty clear about preference but shouldn’t you at least belong to the age group you want to attract? Or be near it? Don’t think it’s super douchey. Give the black guys a chance, there’s plenty out there who obvuiously don’t like them

  3. I don’t mind that he’s in to blacks. What’s annoying about sexual racism is the lines it falls down: more white guys say “whites only” than the reverse, plus more people of color say “whites only” than the reverse. (and please guys don’t respond with your one anecdotal experience “I know this white guy who likes black guys only”) because we’re talking about broad numbers and the things you see in widely varying places.) again and again, the “majority” is considered attractive and the groups most discriminated elsewhere in society are discriminated against elsewhere, too.

    It’s obvious that people of all races who live in predominantly-white countries are being influenced sexually by what the media and culture teaches them to value. So many of my friends who are not white are insecure about being told they’re too dark, too ethnic, and end up idealizing white people just as white people are idealizing white people.

    It might suck to be a black guy in to this particular dude because he probably treats them like they’re exhotic and unusual. But in general I don’t think being attracted to people of color is a problem. All looks are beautiful and the goal is for everybody to be able to be valued and admired by someone.

  4. I do think this obsession with colour is really big in the USA and maybe not do important elsewhere

  5. Like M said, the only problem I have with this is the potential exoticization of PoC. That can be unhealthy. But we have insufficient evidence of that here.

  6. Yes Timbo, you’re right, it’s something you seldom see in France. In fact, I think I’ve never seen it on grindr.

    People might state their sexual preferences, but not in an offesive way (once again, that’s something people seldom do, IMO).

    Maybe that’s the reason why I do not understand why people do not seem to see the difference between this guy who says “i’m inot blanck” and the next guy (“blacks please block me). The sooner states a preference, black guys give him a hard on (or whatever), the later seems a bit racist to me.

  7. I see “No Asians” all the time in Australia. And given the country’s less than 10% the population of the US, the colour obsession is magnified here. In fact, TV here is literally whitewashed with very rare splashes of colour despite the sizeable non-white population.

  8. @ LOL

    Open your eyes. NonWhite people are everywhere in Australian media: TV presenters, journalists, he majority of medical professions are form Asia.

    Coexisting is possible. Being sexually attracted to Asians is a completely different topic.

  9. Europeans claiming obsession with color is unique to the USA are lying. The same happens everywhere in Europ, South America and Asia. Why are skin bleaching products so popular in India and the Caribbean? Why do European magazines never have black faces on the cover? Same reason as in the USA. We are all conditioned the same way. Not saying it’s right but for any European to smugly say it doesn’t exist in France, UK, etc. is not being honest.

    1. but because of better integration and social policy to avoid race ghettos its much less of an issue in Western Europe. Have you ever lived in Europe? I lived in the US for a year.

  10. @CityGuy : just have a look at the “mixed” wedding rate in France, that’s not really an issue for us. You may have a point with black people on magazine covers, though the recent controversy only dealt with Elle…

    Yes, some people are racist, it’s the same everywhere, but once again, you’d hardly find dozens of “no asians no black no rice ” on grindr french profiles.

  11. City guy you are right. I come from a country where white people make 99% population. But on places like London and Manchester profiles usually don’t seem to stare a colour preference. Seems to me it’s not what the black guy looks like, it’s that they don’t want to associate with the culture which is a Shame. Tom have you even been to Australia? I’d be surprised if you owned a passport!

  12. @ City Guy, comparatively you are talking shite, it would be bullshit to say there’s no racism in Europe true. But you’ll have to look VERY far and wide to find a profile mentioning race let alone excluding an entire race, even in diverse cities over here. So singling the USA is frankly fair enough on this one, on A4A for example i barely have to look through a dozen profiles to find an exclusionary statement like no blacks in some areas. Look through the magazines and you will find non-white models, whether gay, women’s magazines or FHM (straight man mag). Oh and btw, with regards to the preference for lighter skin in India and the Carribbean/Africa, a lot of it originates from the attraction to wealth, i.e. if you’re wealthy you would have the ability to sit in the shade rather than work outside where you would naturally darken no matter what your ethnic background. This was the same in Europe too, but the advent of the bikini and the fact that people work indoors mainly means nowadays a tan is a sign that you are wealthy if you are white, because you have the money to be able to either go somewhere to tan or lie about in the sun for the day showing you have a good amount of leisure time again a sign of wealth.

    Oh and I suggest you check the speed at which the mixed race population is rising in the UK too, which will be the largest ethnic minority by 2020. The country is WAY less colour obsessed than yours. Whatever your background, you certainly exemplified your national stereotypes. Dumb yankee cunt.

  13. So, no matter what a guy says he’s into, you’re going to bitch about him and claim that he’s some sort of “bigot”?
    Wow…that rally says a lot about the person who founded this site & posts these profiles.

  14. This comment thread is really something. You people embarrass yourselves trying to white knight for black men and formulating ridiculous conspiracy theories about how this guy is “exoticising” the people he’s trying to meet on a hookup app.

  15. Black bottoms,? That’s u Adam you’re finally in luck.
    The only slight issue is age.. He’s obviously older than the age he wants that clever shadowed pic and Cap is hiding something…. But that’s not an issue for many.

    1. Tippy, er, Trent, now, you’re trying to stigmatize bottoming? Good show.
      Anyway, thanks for showing everyone why the men you want don’t want you.:)

  16. So he doesn’t like white guys- there’s plenty that do.
    Mind you 26 don’t make me laugh .
    36 and add some with that carefully shadowed cap….

  17. “Anyway, thanks for showing everyone why the men you want don’t want you.:)”

    Tell me where and when Trent did this.

    Otherwise, don’t you be a bitchy Queen because Trent explained to you (@Adam) why this Grindrhead doesn’t want you.


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