Two questions, where did you find this one and what bath house does he go to? ๐
You call him a douche but I think he is a cutie, though we would have to work on that football crap, MMA is so much better.
Geezus, these people. What planet did they come from? I’ve looked at pages and pages of these profiles and they’re all Millennials (ages 20s and 30s). What is with this Millennial generation where they are such ugly and nasty people inside with a chip against the world? And why, what does that accomplish? Who raised these stuck-on-themselves trash? Their arrogance has taken arrogance to an entirely new level. Arrogance is such a turn-off. It’s a sign of insecurity, because people I know who are secure with themselves and who know themselves don’t feel the need to be arrogant. Maybe some of these profiles are a sexual fetish for these guys and it’s not really who they are as people. That could be the case. But with others, it is unfortunately who they are, and who would want anything to do with any of them, platonically or sexually? Who raised them to be such awful human beings? In the major US city where I live, most of the Millennials are just like them. They have a chip on both shoulders towards the world, they wear a permanent snarl-frown on their angry-looking face to everyone, including to other Millennials. They have no social skills and usually a phone in their face. The words “Hello” and “excuse me” are not in their vocabulary. They’re best at starring disapprovingly at anyone — especially older people; they’re quite ageist as their profiles show — with their signature snarl. They are good at grunting sounds. They’re self-entitled, self-absorbed, inconsiderate assholes. And that’s being polite. They are the worst of people. They think only of themselves. So again, who raised someone like that? Or maybe no one did and that’s why they turned out the way they did: absolute scum. I’m just glad I’m no longer dating because I wouldn’t date if I had to deal with these people, if they can be called “people.”
wow, what a tryhard
The shame is strong with this one.
I wouldn’t even bother based on your lack of a cognitive ability alone, u delusional immature fuck.
I think he’s being sarcastic.
Again, where’s the douche”ness”?
He’s just a masculine guy who doesn’t want to sleep with any of you, and says so, openly. Respect his honesty and move on…like men.
Two questions, where did you find this one and what bath house does he go to? ๐
You call him a douche but I think he is a cutie, though we would have to work on that football crap, MMA is so much better.
This is such an outre comment, one can only assume it’s meant as a joke.
Adam enough already
Nope, not enough.:)
“If you don’t bench 350”
“know the middle names of all the football players”
I don’t think 95% of self-identified masculine guys are going to be hitting him up. Just saying.
Bench 350kg!?!?! Is he looking for The Incredible Hulk?
Hes trying way too hard…. But not so douchey? Also American football isn’t a ‘ real sport ‘ – it’s crap! Watxh rugby! ๐
He’s a teenage douche, which is just redundant. Just wait till he hits 30-40 y.o. then his tune will change pretty quickly.
๐ xx
Was he being ironic?
Im.sorry 350kg is ridiculous for someone his size n shape. One way ticket to back trouble!
Geezus, these people. What planet did they come from? I’ve looked at pages and pages of these profiles and they’re all Millennials (ages 20s and 30s). What is with this Millennial generation where they are such ugly and nasty people inside with a chip against the world? And why, what does that accomplish? Who raised these stuck-on-themselves trash? Their arrogance has taken arrogance to an entirely new level. Arrogance is such a turn-off. It’s a sign of insecurity, because people I know who are secure with themselves and who know themselves don’t feel the need to be arrogant. Maybe some of these profiles are a sexual fetish for these guys and it’s not really who they are as people. That could be the case. But with others, it is unfortunately who they are, and who would want anything to do with any of them, platonically or sexually? Who raised them to be such awful human beings? In the major US city where I live, most of the Millennials are just like them. They have a chip on both shoulders towards the world, they wear a permanent snarl-frown on their angry-looking face to everyone, including to other Millennials. They have no social skills and usually a phone in their face. The words “Hello” and “excuse me” are not in their vocabulary. They’re best at starring disapprovingly at anyone — especially older people; they’re quite ageist as their profiles show — with their signature snarl. They are good at grunting sounds. They’re self-entitled, self-absorbed, inconsiderate assholes. And that’s being polite. They are the worst of people. They think only of themselves. So again, who raised someone like that? Or maybe no one did and that’s why they turned out the way they did: absolute scum. I’m just glad I’m no longer dating because I wouldn’t date if I had to deal with these people, if they can be called “people.”
The young, masculine ones don’t want you.
Get over it.:)
for my fellow americans: 350 kg = 772 lbs.
i have never seen or heard of anyone bench pressing that much weight. not even NFL pros.
also “i have never even looked at the color pink.”
this is an obvious parody that you all seem to have missed. pay attention!