21 thoughts on “Super Morbidly Douche”

  1. He’s not a douche. He has a point.
    Some(if not all)stereotypes are based in truth.
    That said, what about of of the WASPS who deal drugs and fit all of the other stereotypes he mentioned?lol

  2. Well I’m.european celtic so I guess I’m out – I call fake photo though I’ve seen that elsewhere
    Again say what u like rather than weird laundry list of what u don’t!

  3. Let me break out my Ancestry. com DNA profile and see if I qualify. While I am doing that let me see yours; I have a feeling your going eliminate yourself. BTW! I don’t date guys from Doucheland.

  4. Once you eliminate people with European, African, Middle Eastern, and Asian backgrounds, there aren’t too many left! If that’s really his picture, I think he probably is of European heritage.

  5. This is a joke, I’m sure. He’s a straight douche trying to make fun of all the other douches on Grindr.

  6. all hail king of the douches! we have finally found the one! you are the chosen one, neo! *kowtow*can you see into the douchy matrix?? the only ones left for you to fornicate with is probably made exclusively of latex or plastic

  7. Dear God! The grammar! Also, Puerto Rico is in the Caribbean. And I believe Italy and Greece are European countries. Just FYI.
    I would say that left are Guatemalans, Panamanians, Honduran, Nicaraguan, Costa Rican, Argentinian, Peruvian, Guyanese, Ecuadorian, French Guianese, Bolivian, Chilean, Paraguayans, Uruguayans, Surinamers…..

    1. Hitler? Seriously?
      Way to validate the “hysterical woman/gay guy” stereotype.
      For the record, H was a genocidal maniac.
      The guy in the pic just doesn’t want to sleep with you.
      I guess, in your mind, that’s pretty much the same thing.:)

  8. @Adam
    “He’s not a douche. He has a point.
    Some(if not all)stereotypes are based in truth.”

    And, it’s attitudes like this that you know will get you into a lot of trouble. (We have idiots killing innocent Muslim people in the USA just because they’re Muslim. We have ill-historic occurences as the Japanese Interment Camps and the Holocaust, because murderous leaders believed exactly what you just expressed.)

    And, then, you are a Black guy who’s been rejected for being Black; said YOU.

    I don’t even have the kind of word to express just how infuriating you are to people.


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