21 thoughts on “Purse Flying Douche”

  1. I wouldn’t be worried about flying purses, I’d be worried that this fat pig would eat me. Someone get a harpoon, there’s a beached whale nearby

  2. He shouldn’t worry about what’s flying out of people’s mouths, he should worry about what’s flying into his! Fat ass!!!

  3. Seriously! There’s going to be a site for Douchebags of DouchebagsOfGrindr commentors someday (ok not really). But the moment I saw the guy’s weight (despite him being 6’7″), I expected to read a comment saying something worse than his profile did.

  4. He needs a purse to fly out and knock the sense right into him. Maybe a purse with a brick in there will do him well 🙂

  5. @Tim: Amen! And why would you need a harpoon when it’s a “beached” whale?? The disclaimer to this site should read, “Please turn off brain before viewing content.”

  6. No way is he 6’7 and a mere 280 with a double chin. Also, purses flying out of someone’s mouth? Seriously?

  7. He’s not a douche.
    Since when is it “douchey” to want to be a man among MEN?
    Most of the previous comments demonstrate exactly why he rejects effeminate males.


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