21 thoughts on “New Age Douche”

  1. A little new age wannabe, but at least he isn’t judgmental in his profile. Odd perhaps, but not a douche. Course, I might change my mind upon talking to him, but I doubt it

  2. How is he being a douche? It’s a nicely ambiguously sexual saying that states that basically the way you fuck is probably more important to him than the rest.

    I say it’s the exact contrary of douchey…

    1. That was the way I read it too. Kind of a different way of saying “It’s not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean.”

  3. compared to Barfing Douche this guy’s a sweetheart – u feeling ok Admin? – this is the 2nd one this week that’s been completely non-douche – the only douchey thing here is your ‘cunt’ comment [it’s a lil o.t.t man, maybe u need a crystal up there]

  4. I think he needs to be removed. He is NOT a douche. Please post genuine douches as i appreciate this site because of it posting people who deserve to be posted for unbelievable motherfuckery! This guy is just wanting to hang with a guy and have a good vibe. If he is not removed than the site is a douchey as the douches that are posted. Even if the guy was new age… So what? Being against someone because they have some form of spiritual preference is like not liking someone who is Jewish/Christian.

    Anyway if you are into music… The very cool Erykah Badu goes on about frequency and sound. So would you classify her a douche? I think not.

  5. Admin, you’re the cunt.
    CUNT, I say.
    This site has turned into the moderators bitchfest.
    It’s lost it’s direction and edge.
    I’m all but over this site.
    I’m here too read what douches have to say not stuff like this.
    Cunt Admin, cunt!

  6. I agree with the comments. This guy seems fine. The Admin comment is severely douchy and not deserved. removing this page from my rss, as I just realised that the Admin is the bully, not necessarily the guys on Grindr.

  7. I’m calm patsy. It’s just a shame that we have too many normal people expressing themselves being thrown in with total douches with such hatred.
    It’s just the wrong direction. :/


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