25 thoughts on “Douche and Whatever”

  1. What I’d like to know is, who the hell is so disappointed that they can’t date him that he needs to apologize in advance from now on? This person must exist in his dreams often enough to look this sorry -_-

  2. Yes saying sorry makes it all better! Racist homophobic arsehole Australian. Once again so not proud to be an Aussie these days

  3. On a side note, it’s discouraging how 90% of the comments on this site are picking apart every little flaw in the physical appearance of the guys. I thought commenters here were the ones who aren’t douchebags. Do you guys go on grindr and pick apart every physical flaw in every guy on there? Seems that the guys in the photos on here aren’t the only douchebags.

    1. the whole point of this website is to point out the HYPOCRISY of many of these guys on grindr. they seem to think that they’re all that and more. perhaps some have a SLIGHT ADVANTAGE because they are good-looking etc, but most are not all that special. like yours truly at the top of in the photo. he doesn’t look all that attractive yet he will reject Asians. what makes him as a white guy better than Asians? I’ve seen Asians that are better looking than him!

  4. My friends on Tumblr suggested this site for me and I’m glad to find it. For me it’s like a clear signal saying: “Don’t bother with white guys. They simply either hate or completely fetishize other races. Why should you be attracted to people who have no respect for your skin color?”

  5. Jeremy – but the problem is – there are asians/blacks/non whites who would chase white guys as a social trophy. Even worse, when they are not into Asians and ridicule Asians. It reinforces the ‘white privilege’ mentality that if Asians are not into Asians, so my preference not into Asians is justified as well, even, how messed up and fucked up that kind of belief that is.

    1. I agree! I’m Asian myself but I don’t run after white guys just because he’s white, especially this douchebag in this thread. I’ve dated indians guys before and other Asian guys. I’d rather date an attractive Asian, black, etc guy than date an unattractive white guy who thinks he’s so great!

  6. “but the problem is – there are asians/blacks/non whites who would chase white guys as a social trophy”

    oh dear god, the trouble is there is some truth in that – but for reasons that are about self-hate.

    What we don’t see is those hot asian guys – who whites use as trophies – it’s all relative, and in a heteronormative western hegemonic context, those guys are fewer because of social context, and social learning.

  7. “What we don’t see is those hot asian guys – who whites use as trophies – it’s all relative, and in a heteronormative western hegemonic context, those guys are fewer because of social context, and social learning.”

    This is so true, it is the white media we are facing. It has been built around racial stereotypes and profiling. It serves advantageous to only one race which is white.

  8. Racist douche. Fat dimples. Needs botox in the forehead and around the eyes…he looks old and used as a result of his current facial state. Nice hairline…needs a wig, good hair styling, or a hair transplant.

    Nasty sun damaged douche. Consider laser skin resurfacing after the botox. Then keep up the botox.

  9. ..and we wonder why we don’t have equal rights like everyone else. Instead of educating people within our own community on how to stop bullying – we continue to do it.

    It wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that some of the gay teen suicides from a few years ago were probably caused by some other people in the lgbt community itself.

  10. “90% of the comments on this site are picking apart every little flaw in the physical appearance of the guys. I thought commenters here were the ones who aren’t douchebags. Do you guys go on grindr and pick apart every physical flaw in every guy on there? Seems that the guys in the photos on here aren’t the only douchebags.”

    I think those nitpickers are merely behaving in like kind. @Marcus
    Narrow, douchey racism and ageism deserves douchey behavior from folks; who may otherwise not be douchbags.


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