11 thoughts on “Size Douche”

  1. I wouldn’t see an issue if the cock size thing. But then saying he’s looking for friends. What a bad look.

  2. Jees Adam you’re defending this? Scraping the bottom of the barrel! Glad you have such a clear idea of how we all look!

    1. Trent, I’m not defending this guy so much as stating that he has every right to post what he wants, however he wants it. If you cannot handle his preferences, just ignore him, but, you can’t, for the reasons that I’ve already stated.
      prove me wrong.:)

  3. So he’s only looking for friends but friends with cocks over 6.5″? So when we all go looking for friends we should all ask to see their cocks first to see if they measure up to being a friend?

  4. @Adam, just stop. Many people who fit his criteria (having a 6.5+ dick) don’t find him less than annoying and irritating. Just accept it.


    So, … is he ‘just looking for friends’, or is he looking for a hookup with a guy who has a 6.5+? Which one is it?


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