39 thoughts on “She’s Got a BIG Block Button and She Knows How to Use it!”

  1. Cheap bling, check.
    Cheap drink preferred by underage drunks, check.
    Bad grammar indicative of public school education, check.

  2. Hey guys! I think it’s so funny how you all are sitting here judging me on my picture. You don’t know who I’am at all. Befor you judge me get to know me first. Second of all: I have that saying because I’m sick of old fucks trying to talk to me. Why is my facebook on there? Cuz I could give a fuck a if you hate me or love me. I’m going to do me & that’s it. I have a youtube account & I speak out for the gays, so befor you judge me get to know me like I said befor. Thank you very much! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. But how can we get to know you if you’re so keen to block? And why shouldn’t we make snap judgements about you, when you won’t give “old fucks” a chance.

    And please don’t “speak out” for anyone else. You’re an absolute embarrassment to humanity (and to literacy).

  4. Hey hey now, no need to pick on the transgender community, they get it enough from everywhere else and don’t need the transphobia within the lgbt community… As for this dbag, he’s pretty dumb to think that anyone is gonna want to look further into his mind or youtube account after saying something as vapid as “if you are still talking to me be lucky”….

  5. Fake tans are DISGUSTING!!!
    How is someone supposed to consider fucking you if licking your body is makes them sick?!
    (Disregarless of sounding like a dick-head to make them want to fuck someone else in an instant…)
    You’d do well to change your attitude quickly. You’re the only one who will regret it.

  6. Not wanting to be too quick to judge I watched his youtube hoping to find something intelligent and insightful … I was disappointed to say the least.


  8. don’t she look like one of those kids on the feed the children commercials. Yes boo boo I said it. Honey, there is a Denny’s down the street because boo boo you looking kinda hungry…

  9. It’s funny — usually anyone thin on this site gets a few “manorexia” jokes, but not this kid, and you can actually count his ribs. I didn’t even notice the tan or the drink until well after that.

    Eat a sandwich goddamn.

  10. I actually prefer when guys block me if they aren’t interested. I realize he’s being an asshole about it, but if uninterested guys block you, it just saves more space on your screen for guys you might actually like.

  11. Oh my fucking GOD…you know, Douchearella, you look all butch in your Grindr pic but then I go to your YouTube channel and when you open your mouth, it’s like someone sped up the audio! Is that REALLY your voice?? Oh my god, I feel SO sorry for you!! xD

    You’re a total douche, but wow, you have the voice of Tinkerbell! xD

  12. DO NOT repost his youtube. DO NOT suggest that people visit his site or his facebook. IGNORE HIM SO THAT HE WILL DISAPPEAR! I beg of you. The more we give attention to it by hating on him or otherwise, THE MORE WE HAVE TO PUT UP WITH HIS BULLSHIT. Please and thank you.

    -Word from the Wise

  13. She’s got a need for a rhinoplasty, botox in the forehead, the ears pinned back, weight training, and proper nutrition.

    Why do his bottom lip and chin butt veer so strongly to his left? That + the Four Loko = RED FLAG.

    It’s not a butter face if you have anorexic body also, bro.

  14. First of all everyone can hate on him if they want. None of you know him so yes of course your gonna talk shit. If you really knew him you wouldn’t have such hateful things to say about him. Speaking your mind and standing up for what you believe. What is wrong with that? Really you should all take a look at yourselves before you make judgements. Yea so what he wants to tan. So does over half of America. And I’m pretty sure at the end of the day none of you are gonna matter to him anyways. He has good friends

  15. BRYAN BREZE love ya baby.
    muah.. people hate just to make their opinions noticeable, too bad if they ever met you they would think your one of the sweetest people on this earth. and you wouldnt intentionally hurt anyone else like they think they need to do to you:) LOVEEE U BFFFFF.

  16. Guys & Dolls,

    While there are many things going on with his profile, photo, and ageism in his response…using transphobic slurs and sizeism (‘manorexia,’ eat a fucking sandwich) makes you just as much as a discriminating douchebag.

    So please, check your self and your privilege.

  17. Hello??? It’s got nothing to do with hate….. K whether he is actually a decent individual……. It’s purely to do with….. A) he is obviously struck with the young gay disease…… NO FOOD! And B) he is obviously up his own arse with such a status… Only a cunt would write something like that…… Hence the douche bag posting and everyone agreeing with it!


  18. Ashley and Hannah, we will hate on him. If we don’t matter, he shouldn’t need to enlist you to post comments on this website. He’s a douche and he’s getting what he deserves.

  19. “getting what he deserves” uhh i’d hardly agree with that. just back off…sites like this are so unnecessary.

  20. All you stupid motherfuckers can jump off a damn bridge. He helps people and has the biggest heart of anyone I know so before you go n talk all this mad shit about someone you don’t even know save it. Hater make him famous bitches obviously you are taking your sweet time to talk about him ๐Ÿ™‚ ha love you Bryan loading haters lol fucck yall

  21. These comments are hilarious. Even more so the shameless promo of the douche trying to get his YouTube channel across. Ain’t nobody here for you boo.
    And you seem like a class a dirty little douche that will end up living a sad pathetic life when you grow up, because you know damn well the real world will never tolerate the real you.

  22. I’ve mentioned this before.

    You know what’s funny? I have passed over guys just like him when they hit ME up. They end up blocking me BECAUSE I don’t respond back to them.

    Case in point: they block you because they don’t like your profile (for whatever reason; maybe your body type; maybe your race; perhaps your face; or simply because of something insignificant in your profile), but then they also block you if they like you and you don’t respond back to their PM’s.

    I say: “ugliness” is not a disease. Blockophilia is.


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