33 thoughts on “Average Douche”

  1. dev’s announcing a duplicity in the way he judge’s the world, without being aware of the schizm.

    For every feature he has partitioned as ‘unacceptable’, he’s telling us how he really feels about himself when he describes himself as ‘average’.

    In that internalised state of homophobia, his view of hotness is harmful to himself because he has narrowed his sights to a point where he only finds men hotter than him sexually attractive.

    In the failure of his insight, rather than make himself whole, he’s passing on the harm to readers through pejorative stereotyping.

    I’m ashamed at the failure of his insight – we should know better from what we have been through.

  2. So all men over 40 are pervs? Hmmm. I know many men in their 40’s and 50’s that are WAY hotter than this hairless 23 yr old reptile.

  3. @luddite

    yup – ugottit! he’s generalising, incautiously, isn’t he. Why he needs to even say it, is the question.

    Following his argument to the conclusion, anyone who’s into older guys will take harm from his selfish comments. He’s presumptuous, isn’t he, for daring to disguise ageism as sexual preference.

  4. Well said. And therein lies the problem with all these douchebags – instead of expressing their preferences they are expressing hate. And the whole community is worse for wear as a result.


  5. He’s an ass but nothing “racist” about his profile. “Frankenhead”? Can we talk about smooshed, flat, LARGE black noses or Asian noses with no bridge? How about tiny Asian penises/lack of back or Mexican ones with smegma?
    If you live in Shitcago, the notion of every GW-MAN over 35 wanting a 5’6″ twit Asian/Mexican or cracked-out thug is beyond tiring. Reality check. And the GWM service workers here pushing 50 thinking they can still cherry pick who they “think” they’re going to have sex with here is beyond comical.

    All you have to do fire up Grindr in the Loop. You’ll meet a GWMAN (but he sho’ nuff ain’t from Shitcago).

  6. Race is a social construct. If the entire world had only white Caucasians with blonde hair and blue eyes, racism will continue to exist as a new racial hierarchy is created out of whats left.

  7. This is sad, no wonder why gays and lesbian can’t get equal rights cause the gays are even hating on each other. This is one of the reason I don’t believe in gay marriage and it’s sad that grindr allow comments like this on their app yet no nude photos allowed.

  8. Tnis guy calls 40+ “pervs.”. That is such a horrible word to throw around. If a guy is sexually active over 4o that makes him a perv??? It wasn’t long ago that word was used for all of us and it needs to be retired.

  9. Wow! The full blown Racist Douche’.
    So if someone uses Grindr to beat the crap out of him, would it still be considered a hate crime or just self defense?

  10. Hahahaha I’m sorry but no chocolate/rice. That’s hysterical albeit awful. But even funnier is nestlĂ© crunch. That’s fucking hysterical

  11. It’s totally fine to just not be attracted to other ethnic groups but there’s a way to say it -_- rice and chocolate … really? you could have just said I prefer Caucasians lol and it sucks not like an ethnic group…. asian guys have such nice smooth bodies and so many black guys are so handsome…. if only I was attracted to them :'(

  12. He’s hot and doesn’t want to be bothered by annoying, desperate asians who can’t take no for an answer!

  13. You SJW white knight a-holes crack me up, as if you actually give a damn about racism in the gay community…lol
    He’s not a douche. He’s just not attracted to Asian or black men.
    That’s his right, as is his right to say it, though, I’d prefer he use less colloquial terms.


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