5 thoughts on “Yet Another MAGA Douche”

  1. So, basically, he’s a barebacker with “family values”?
    It doesn’t get much more twisted than this guy…
    How ironic is it that he’s “rejecting” members of the ONLY party to advance rights for gay men?

  2. Again, why do certain Grindr heads feel it necessary and/or beneficial to turn their dating/hookup app into a political platform?

    Republicans are not all the same. Democrats aren’t all the same. We have our individual beliefs which may not fall within the governmental party we associate with.

    Not all Democrats are traditions-defiant loudmouths who only seek to be in people’s faces with off-beat dogma. Many Democrats do have families, socially relatable values and substance to their lives.

    I’m guessing this Grindr head was deliberately looking for an argument. He/she likely already knew someone was going to respond with just what I’m expressing here; and likely already knew his/her profile message would cause trouble (which I find rather unbecoming for someone who criticizes “scene queens”.)

  3. AC. What are you talking about? People use their Grindr profiles to spout their political affiliation CONSTANTLY!

    “Fully vaxxed”

    That is a political statement. Period.

    Also I want to know what the problem with people having preferences is. Especially race. It seems in today’s world you’re literally not allowed to not be attracted to anything. Body type, trans, fem/masc, whatever, but specially race. And not only is it bad in general, but you’re actually a terrible person if you aren’t. It’s absolute madness.

    I love the headline for this one. Attempting to call him stupid for not having a face pic. Thank god he didn’t! I found the douche bags of Grindr. It’s you guys! This is where the Incels of Grindr come to vent and cope with the fact that they can’t even manage to have sex with guys. It’s so pathetic

  4. Well. I didn’t know anyone was still going to respond. =)

    Politics in profile isn’t the direct issue at hand. Using it as a weapon to approve or ignore someone is.

    At the end of the day, no matter our political affiliations, we all have values; and, these values are shared by people from all walks of life, falling on all points on the political spectrum. (I have a fairly liberal outlook. Does that automatically mean that I discard table manners, don’t care to attend university to better humans, or even automatically discount the biological differences of men and women? Does it automatically mean I support feminism like it was my be-all, end-all destiny? (In fact, I don’t personally support a lot of feministic ideals, dotrine and dogma.))

    On preference: having them is not the issue. Disguising your prejudicial bias as nothing more than preference is.

    I’ve explained it to Adam at least 2 or 3 times with the following analogy. I like organic ice cream. My favorite type of ice cream is non-dairy raspberry sorbet. I also equally favor acai sorbet. Those flavors are my preference. Will that stop me from eating mocha-cream, french vanilla, strawberry and chocolate swirl, rocky-road, chocolate and peanut butter chunks, etc.? The obvious rhetorical answer is, no, I wouldn’t. I like ice cream. I have favorites, but I’d still eat Asian, Blacks, Native Americans, Latonos, White, Oceanic skins.

    When you’re deliberately excluding all Blacks and All asians, it’s not a preference. It is bias based on the pre-conceived (possibly unconscious) notion that Asians and Blacks are ugly, and it IS a serious problem; in a day and age when multi-ethnic inter-mixing is encouraged and valued; a time when all our races are known to exist. (continue)

  5. (cont.)
    Perhaps it’s not the chooser’s fault. His sexual brain hasn’t been decently exposed to the population of Asians and Black to neurologically find Asians and Black’s sexually appealing. (This is exactly why when you call a “preferencing” person racist, he’ll typically get defensive; perhaps rightfully so, because on some valid levels, it really isn’t his true fault.) To him, he can’t help but think that “all Asians look alike.” and that “their unattractive”. His logical brain knows that they’re people and humans. His brain, however, lags behind by not being able to fully recognize them as reproductively compatible with him as a person; his brain hasn’t learned to distinguish the features off of each unique Asian and Black individual.

    These things ^^^ are very correctable. He can simply emerge himself in a population of Asians and/or Blacks; retrain retrain his brain to be able to recognize an Asian or Black man as a sexual reproductive being that could be compatible to your human being.

    After my first 20 painful years of white-washing as a prior-self-hating Asian guy, I had overcome the Whites-only mentality that I have grown up with by doing just this: constantly regularly exposing myself to the races that I “don’t prefer”. Today, I prefer Asian and Black muscular men. They’re one of the main reason why semen blasts out my dick mercilessly in an elated climax when I need some hot male inside my head to make me happy. I wouldn’t NOT have sex with a White or Latino guy; even when they are sexual-socially privileged in this day and age. I like all kinds of guys. But, my favorites are Blacks and Asians.

    I wrote more than I originally intended. Hopefully, my long-winded answer provided some kind of explanation (and closure?) as to why people shouldn’t have “preferences”; in the way the word is being used.


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