27 thoughts on “The Illustrated Douche”

  1. Hahaha. Have to wonder if he’s delusional or he’s trying so hard to be conceited and thinking he’d be wanted.

  2. I feel sorry for the losers covered in tatts. All they are showing the world is that they are a stupid slave to a trend – but as well all know trends fade, but those stupid tatts he’s stuck with forever.

  3. Oh and also – remember when tatts were a sign of rebellion, now they’re just a sign of a desperate need to “be cool”. Losers

    1. Some of the vitriol that spews from your mouth Yuck is truly amazing. You come across as a very angry and bitter person.

    2. I was thinking of getting a tattoo of my dog’s paw print (he just passed away). Sort of an “he’s always with me” deal. I don’t want to do it to get noticed. I want to do it because I loved him and because he will always have a place in my heart. My parents and friends think it’s a sweet gesture. Get over yourself, Yuck. Just because you’re lame doesn’t me we all are.

      1. i think there are great tattoos out there, i was more talking about all these people who are totally COVERED with them like this guys – its almost like there’s competition to see who can get more tatts. Ridiculous, immature, and stupid FAD!

  4. why have a pic up showing off all the tats u have …then get bitter about guys saying “nice tats”…..put a damn turtleneck on if u dont want to show them off…..u cant win with some dicks on grindr…..

  5. You can include a 50 yr old dude from maywood
    NJ John O If you come across this loser turn and run the other way a total asshole bullshit artist he cant suck dick even with an instuction manual

  6. Shitty tats. And how about just saying

    “Thanks for the compliment man. How’s your day so far?”

    Fuckin douche.

    Also, fully body tats can be awesome with the right choice and a great artist. It’s all a choice.
    More power to him for his coverage. Shame they look shit and he’s stuck with them.

  7. I was distracted by his eyebrows.
    I’m not sure I would describe him as macs. trying quite hard.
    5/10 on the douchometer

        1. Thank you, Trent. Adam is a sweetie btm, really. He’s just using this site to vent a lot of frustration. He just need a proper banging and he’ll be good again 🙂

  8. I find bald guys to be a turnoff. So don’t worry about me messaging you about your tats…or anything else.


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