27 thoughts on “No Blasianoldfat Douche”

  1. He’s not racist, nor is he a douche.
    He’s just not attracted to some people.
    Good. It saves everyone time.

  2. If you’re not attracted to someone in particular, there’s nothing wrong with that. The problem is when you exclude all black people from your possibilities, that’s plain racist because you’re reducing people to their color. You don’t know all the black people in the world. What guarantee do you have that you are not attracted to all those people, when some of them you’ve never seen? Same thing with other types.
    We grow up seeing white muscular men in ads and everywhere, as a symbol of beauty. That leads people to think only white men are pretty. It’s all a social construction. You think this guy was born being attracted just to white men? If his preference is so personal, why it is the same as the everyone else?
    Yes, this guy is a douche, and a racist. Period.

    1. @Kyle
      No, he’s neither a douche nor a racist. He’s just not attracted to black, Asian, old or fat men, and has every right to say so. He hasn’t met every woman in the world, but, he knows that he’s not attracted to them, either.
      “White knights/SJWs” are friggin’ HILARIOUS!
      If only your beliefs were sincere and/or your ‘arguments’ made sense…:)

  3. Yes, he is a racist. And nobody has the right to be a racist. He is attracted to MEN, and this includes black men, asians and all.
    You never have any solid arguments, every post you go you comment the same thing. That’s what is really hilarious. The fact that you’re always here, saying the same stuff over and over.
    You don’t want guys like this to be called racists, but they are. To reduce someone to their skin color when they have so much to offer, is plain pathetic.

    1. Kyle,
      He’s not a “racist”.
      He’s attracted to CERTAIN men, and he has every right to exclude whomever he chooses, and say so openly, for whatever reason. No one’s bed has to look like the united colors of Benetton.
      It is not your place to try(and fail)to tell him-or anyone-to whom they should be attracted, your self-righteousness and over-inflated sense of self, notwithstanding.:)

      When you “guys” quit repeating yourselves, so will I.:)

    2. he also like a his own comments repeatedly.
      he hates this website yet spends hours stalking it to ‘ right wrongs,’
      Kyle of course you are correct.
      I do really feel sorry for guys of different races who can have a crappy enough time and then see loads of comments like this . especially as the USA,seems to be going backwards at the moment.

      1. LOL
        Tommybrit(or whatever your name is this week), please refrain from projecting your self-liking behavior onto me.

        Both of you could do yourselves a favor by proving me wrong. Just. Once.

        He’s NOT obligated to be attracted to every race.
        Your feelings about it are irrelevant…as if ANY of you SJWs actually give a damn about black people, other than using us for your temporary sexual pleasure, when it’s convenient for you.

  4. LOL
    Tommybrit(or whatever your name is this week), please refrain from projecting your self-liking behavior onto me, though, it’s still amusing that the idea that anyone might agree with my posts embitters you to the point that you accuse me of liking my own.:)

    Both of you could do yourselves a favor by proving me wrong. Just. Once.

    He’s NOT obligated to be attracted to every race.
    Your feelings about it are irrelevant…as if ANY of you SJWs actually give a damn about black people, other than using us for your temporary sexual pleasure, when it’s convenient for you.

    1. you are correct. he’s not obligated to be polite, pleasant , politically correct or even post a photo of himself.
      Your social media accounts are essentially an extension of yourself. if you are offensive then people have the right to say something about it. you don’t like that, that’s fine. ont be offensive. freedom of expression does go both ways.

  5. The problem is that he’s not being “offensive”. He used no slurs or “politically incorrect” content in his profile. He simply stated that he’s not sexually attracted to certain people.
    How is that, again, “offensive”?
    Did it ever occur to you that he has to constantly block a barrage of messages from those groups of people, and is simply looking for a way to keep them at a distance, as he probably wasn’t attracted to them, anyway?

    Besides, you(collectively)are in no position to condemn anyone for being rude. Ever.:)

  6. You cannot control or dictate what offends others.
    Be mindful of all social media accounts. people will judge you based on them, rightly or wrongly. again, No.evidence he’s being harassed by men, you are projecting this onto.him.

    1. LOL
      I’m not interested in “controlling what offends others”.
      That’s what you, collectively, try to do, with limited success.

      That said, the fact that you’re “offended” by an inoffensive post speaks volumes. Just have the character to acknowledge that you’re offended by his rejection of you, for whatever reason.

      Again, you, collectively, are in NO position to try and dictate how others behave online.

  7. LOL
    I’m not interested in “controlling what offends others”.
    That’s what you, collectively, try to do, with limited success.

    That said, the fact that you’re “offended” by an inoffensive post speaks volumes. Just have the character to acknowledge that you’re offended by his rejection of you, for whatever reason.

    Again, you, collectively, are in NO position to try and dictate how others behave online.

    PS:I’m not “projecting” onto him(Again, that’s your departments.). As an attractive man, I know what it’s to deal with people who refuse to take rejection for an answer.

  8. For attractive read deluded. For an attractive man with a full dance card you still spend a lot of time here. And I’ve been tommybrit for quite a,long time. I’m obviously not.as old as you though !

    1. LOL
      Just disprove anything in my posts, just once, instead of all of your usual petty deflections.:)

  9. nope. freedom if expression goes both ways . if you appear to be rude in your profile you must expect some less than lovely replies. way of the world, kid.

    1. LOL
      Still mad because you can’t prove me wrong, I see, to the point that you’re creating copies of me.

  10. I get the age thing as he wants someone in his age bracket not some old dude in his 30s who dressed like a teen.
    I do wonder if these lads are quite so brave and mouthy when they meet guys who recognise them, I’m guessing not.

  11. I wouldn’t like blacks or old people with walking sticks chasing after me either. In fact, I’d run to the hills to get as far away as possible
    …………. oops, but isn’t that where they are all hanging out?

    Eve, the original sin

  12. Guys,

    Please bear in mind that Adam has a history of hurt that he has come to give in on: he’s a Black man who has been excluded and rejected several of times (by White and Asian men, as well as other Black men?) because he’s Black. He now projects his experience onto Asians and Black guys; telling Asians how they’re annoying with a tendency to not take no for an answer. (As a proud Asian gay muscular dude, I’ve only heard that for the first time in my life, from him…)

    Whenever you confront him or tell him to shut up and just grow up, his favorite hackneyed response is that you’re some whiny queen who

    1 – proved the guy in the profile right
    2 – have yet to prove HIM wrong about you

    I’ve “proven” him wrong on more than a handful of occasions.

    Here, he uses gay men’s biological inability to be attracted to women as an analogue to attraction to the races. Obviously, the error in his logic is that attraction to the sexes (or the lack of) is, as we currently understand, hardwired in our neurology. Our brain predisposes us to our sexual attraction. Sexual attraction to the races, in contrast, is learned; and, it can be relearned and rewired as go through life. (Have you noticed that when you spend any number of days to months in a population of new people, you all of the sudden gained the ability to
    1 – tell them apart from each other, and
    2 – become at least somewhat attracted to them?
    See? That’s relearning taking place.)

    When you exclude an entire race, you’re deliberately and stubbornly choosing not to relearn the exclusion that you have been condition. The fact that you have the ability to but chose willfully to opt out of it puts you, not your biology, in the position of the wrong.


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