14 thoughts on “Got Douche?”

    1. No D: he’s right, compliment is for saying something nice, complement is for something that helps complete, like complementary angles.

  1. He’s not a douche. He’s a masculine man who wants the same, and your obnoxious responses prove that he’s made the right choice. He’s not there to make you feel desired.
    He could have used a more flattering image for his profile, but, if he likes it, that’s all that matter.

  2. This guy isn’t being offensive…It’s a,play on words from the got milk advert.
    I’m.giessing irony detection skills aren’t so strong in Murica….

  3. The only one who is “obnoxious” is you, Adam. Your braindead trite “He’s not a douche. You prizzy pantz provez him rightzz!!1!” response has lost all value at this point. So, please do yourself a favor and just be quiet.

    With that being said,

    Not everyone is naturally Rebelz’s standard of masculine. Regardless of being masc., fem., in-between, not within that 1D spectrum, what really should count is whether you’re a nice person.

  4. Giving credit where credit is due, though, he really doesn’t seem as much of a douchebag as some real jerks out there. Again, admin really needs to be careful who he posts as one here.


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