19 thoughts on “Picky Douche”

  1. another faceless coward who thinks he’s hot. All he has to offer the whole world is a set of abs, oh, and of course his racist ego

  2. A faceless coward who also won’t state his age. Given this is Grindr I am going to guess he is 25 years old 🙂

  3. Looking for a relationship, but no face.

    He’s right, you do have one chance, and he used his to show he isn’t worth a relationship.

  4. He didn’t show his face or put his age bc he’s over 40. His body is past it’s prime & saggy. Someone his age should not be such a douche!!!

  5. As someone already mentioned, his body is all saggy. To be in that “good” of shape but still be afflicted with the saggy = over 40. Nothing wrong with that, unless you think you’re the hottest thing on Grindr.

  6. Sorry I used to think I may be racist because I wasn’t attracted to black men or Asians but I’m not attracted to women. I understand the dick being particular. As for the rest of him DOUCHES!

  7. Somebody get this bitch an iron to smooth out all those wrinkles . I’m so over this trend with faceless torsos… Take a shower ,put on deodorant or do something productive with yourself!

    1. Adding smokers to the fat afro-asian fems gives his profile some certain uniqueness.
      Not that there’s a reason anyone should immediately reject an otherwise fine smoker, but that’s probably just me.

  8. Racist = bad ageist = acceptable. That’s what I’m getting from these frankly douchey comments. He could be a teenager or all the way up to fifty.


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