11 thoughts on “No White Douche”

  1. So, he’s not into white guys. What’s the problem. People of color have their preferences, too, and they don’t always include you.
    Get into it. Or get over it.:)

  2. I’m not attracted to white guys(and i’m white), they are 99.999% racist, does that make me racist? Oh well, I guess I proved my own point.

    1. You’re right not to date white people, for whatever reason there is. As a white gay man who is into black men, I can talk you we white people do a lot of stupid things trying to catch any spark of attention from you guys, often offering nothing on the table but our admiration. To think about it, it’s cringe worthy. It is best if we keep our admiration in the closet and keep communication to the bare minimum in a politically correct fashion.

  3. I can understand why black gay men who are into black men would be very adverse towards white men. Likelihood for poor genetics and body physique among white gay population aside, white men often get disproportionate interest from black men due to DL and hustle reasons, which forces black men to compete with such unhealthy motivation for dating on their own merit. Not a douche, just victim of the interracial meat market.

  4. @Adam
    “quit trying to deflect from your inability to prove me wrong.:)”

    You’re wrong because preference is like ice cream. I prefer raspberry sorbet as one of my top favorites. That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t eat chocolate, coffee, butter scotch, strawberry or any other ice cream flavors. My primarily liking nondairy fruity as raspberry doesn’t mean I’ll pass up other good flavors.

    When you exclude an entire race for none other than skin, it’s not a “preference”. It is a complete prejudicial bias. There’s a reason why society frowns on that kind of behaviour; and, by extension, why people frown on your dismissing it as nothing more than mere “preference” that “bitter queens” need to get over.


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