16 thoughts on “ID Douche”

  1. It’s getting annoying to see 90% of gay guys saying shit like “no fem” & “str8 acting ” when they are gay themselves , its like a cat trying to bark like a dog…Uugh..typical stupid twink trash. Yes we have a right to preferences but you don’t have to be a little butch bitch about it.

  2. Doesn’t like fem, but I’m sure he’s a big screaming bottom (not that there is anything wrong with being a bottom, but you get what I mean)

  3. As someone mentioned before, I think these ‘no fem’ type guys are ALWAYS FEM THEMSELVES – they see other fems as competition. It’s hard for me to wrap my mind around this. On one hand, their preference is their preference. On the other, the ‘masc/butch’ dudes they seek probably don’t want these fem guys anyway. It’s a really strange dynamic.

  4. Duh People! These bottom guys don’t want to get fucked by a sissy. And the masc/butch dudes they seek are only going to care if they are pretty and have a tight ass. I like his profile and I would love to break him in.

  5. Can you schedule an appointment with a cosmetic surgeon and get a rhinoplasty? Also discuss botox in the forehead and lip filler.

  6. At 19 he should have completed a basic high school English course, yes? When you misspell your screen name right off the bat things go downhill quickly.
    “Weird” not “weerd”
    “Femm” is not a word.
    “When” has a letter h in it.
    to whom, not to who
    Now learn how to make sentences with these new words because cute and dumb leaves just dumb when the cute starts to fade.

  7. He’s not a douche, and your responses are great examples of why he rejects effeminate guys:bitches can’t take rejection(apparently).:)

      1. LOL
        There’s no need to announce yourself.
        We can already assume that you can’t handle, much less disprove, my posts.
        Thanks for the butthurt tantrum.:)

        1. Oh you’re so clever, Adam. How we admire your daily repartees and simplistic generalisation of gay life. Keep being a Douche, Adam. The guys that get their profiles displayed on this are probably grateful for the distraction.

          1. LOL
            Triggered much?
            Whatever it takes to avoid your inability to disprove anything that I’ve posted, I guess.:)


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