18 thoughts on “Control Douche”

  1. The natural reaction to this is that who in their right mind, over 30, would allow this young twat to dictate the situation. But in reality the sad fact is there is a number who would.

  2. That’s funny because it’s the people UNDER 30 who are the MOST likely to have B.S. – at least in my experience.

  3. So, what does a 22yo have in common with a 30yo? They’re at different stages in life and probably need/want different things. You got rejected. Get over it.

  4. :(( …. He’s the reason why I have to convince over 30 guys to date me (being 21) …. Because they automatically assume that due to my age I am oblivious and self-absorbed like this Hollister wearing twat (like guy come on, I stopped wearing Hollister in like the 10th grade..just saying) :p ….. I have daddy issues, don’t judge me…. :))

  5. He’s not a douche.
    He’s just smart enough to not let himself get involved with men whom he feels are too old for him.
    He’s rejected you. Get over it.

  6. Adam are you just randomly posting the same comments everywhere?
    You’re opinion not important. Get over it.

    1. LOL
      Timbo, your embittered responses to my posts prove that not only do they matter to you(the truth usually does), but, also, they hurt like hell(the truth usually does that, too).

  7. Wow. He was just 22 when this was posted. He should be about 25 now. (Stop recycling posts, d.o.g.) I hope he has snapped out of this bullshit.

    Also, Adam, get a fucking life.

    1. he thinks he’s enraging us ..hardly. also how can he disprove someone’s,experience ? I think he has limited life experience and has had a,pretty sheltered life, for his advanced years.

  8. I’ve been on Grindr for a long time.

    I know that, chances are, Blockaphiles like him will block you if they hit up your profile and YOU don’t respond back to them. (In lesser, uncommon cases, they’ll throw some kind of puerile, empty insult/jab at you before they do.)

    As a muscular Asian Grindr head in his early 30’s, there may be a multitude of reasons why I don’t respond to other young muscular 20’s or 30’s who hit me up. Two regular reasons are, their face may not be my physical type, or I simply don’t like their prejudicial, stereotyping attitudes as expressed in their profile message. After about 30 minutes to a few hours of no response from me, I literally see their profile messages gone. So, I know they blocked me because I didn’t respond. =)


    “Ryan, do my posts(i.e., the truth) burn you that intensely?”

    No, they don’t. No one can be bothered to be “burned” by you, when you yourself don’t even offer anything stimulating, insightful, thoughtful or intellectual in your own posts.

    Already, listen to yourself. There’s nothing “smart” about not wanting someone above so and so age. It’s a silly, cliched “preference” that younger folks commonly like to put in their profile to weed out those who they (younger folks) think fall under their hastily formed stereotypes of undesirables.

    On the other hand, when one takes note that
    1 – some 35- to 45-year-olds are very sexually attractive, and
    2 – some 35-year-olds look like 25-year-olds (or perhaps vice versa),
    he’d realize that putting “no one older than 30” is a bit unproductive, unnecessary and simply stupid.

    Are you satisfied with my “disproving” you yet again? 😉


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