17 thoughts on “No Grandpas Douche”

  1. He’s 22 with a receding hairline that gives him a fivehead instead of a forehead. The fivehead has acne scars. And he’s nowhere near as pretty as he likes to think he is.

  2. In French, “douche” just means “shower”. How about “con” (idiot) or “fils de pute” (son of a whore) instead?

  3. Wow, do you queens show how douchey YOU are when you’re rejected!
    He’s not a douche.
    He’s just tired of being ‘chickenhawked’ by men old enough to be his father and/or grandfather.
    Quite trying to pick up college students.

  4. Im gonna block you 35 yr old granpas sounds a lot nicer in French!
    Again, theres better ways to say nearly everything posted here.
    I havent heard the ohrase ” chickenhawked ” since the 80s ! Adam you just gave away your age ! ( insert generic rebuttal below ) .


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