35 thoughts on “Li’l Cunt”

  1. How much $$$ to take a crap on your douchey little bouffant hairdon’t and then smack that asslip smirk off your face? Whatever it costs, it’d be money well spent.

  2. His Rates should be he has to pay for sex!!! not attractive at all! and the fact he’s a low life prosty says he probably has all kinds of diseases steer clear of that douche

  3. Seriously??? This “THING” has not ONE good compliment. What a tragic mess. Some no class whore trying to make it big time in the shadows of real Queen Bee’s. Poor darling. “Just be chill dude?” I feel like I’m watching an old surfer movie. I’m dying to know his rates!!! $5 a BJ. $10 for a night? Discounts on weekends??? LMAO!!!! This is priceless!! I’m too fucking done! NEXT!!!!!!!!!

  4. I’d have done him until I read the age and then the stupid rates bit.
    Good thing, youth passes way too quickly. 😀

  5. He’s not a douche. He knows that he’s out of your league. You queens are pathetic. Does his rejection burn you that much?lol

    1. LOL
      And yet, Trent, you reply-bitterly-to every one of my posts.
      I guess the truth really does burn, in addition to the original burn-his rejection.:)

  6. Adam clubs are littered with guys hanging onto twinkdom – they’re the ones banging the oldies at the end of the night cos everyone else left!

  7. Hes got that annoying smirks twink look u see a lot
    He’s too old for his 2 year bracket hope he’s coping!

  8. There’s a lot if guys here who will tell you they are “escort ” when they realise you are over 40. Which just sounds super tacky. Nothing against real escorts but these types are just a bit sad.

  9. @Adam
    “He’s not a douche. He knows that he’s out of your league. You queens are pathetic. Does his rejection burn you that much? lol”

    You like to consistently say that you have yet to be proven wrong. Here in THIS post, which I find a bit original coming from you, you don’t even make sense.

    According to what you just said, “his rejection burns [us]” because HE is out of people’s league….

    I’m serious, babe. Are you actually unaware how egregiously numb-minded you’ve become that you don’t realize how unintellectual you sound to some of us?


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