32 thoughts on “VGL Douche”

  1. @JL: We can’t even see this guy’s face clearly enough to tell whether he looks 25 or older. You think your comments are clever, but they’re not…at all.

  2. This is just too hysterical! How sad that he’s trying so hard to be too cool for school. Or should I say too chill. Lmfao!!!

  3. So “just being masc”… What does that even mean? He goes around being chauvinistic? Confused. Surely If having a personality trait was so difficult it was its own activity, its probably not for you

  4. He’s not a douche. He’s a masculine man who wants to be around his peers. Good for him. Femmes are obnoxious and overrated.

    1. How is he douchey? At least you get a sense what he looks like, yup he’s trying a but too hard with the bro thing but so what. He doesn’t look so white to me but them I’m super pale I guess

    2. “Femmes are obnoxious and overrated.”
      I think the primary group of people that actually thinks that, Adam, are those gay guys who TRY to hard to be masculine. Respectable femme guys who aren’t flashy, effeminate and obnoxious are all around you. For one, take a look at who’s responding to you right now. <3

      I do have to say, though, this profile, once again, isn't as douchey as some of the more deserved shamed on this website. I don't necessarily get turned on by his slight narcissistic overtone, but nothing in his profile suggests that he wouldn't date other races, other types of non-masc. mannerisms, etc. What's wrong with saying that he's chill? (I'm chill! Even if I am femme.)

      1. A lot of masculine guys aren’t attracted to effeminate guys. It’s just a fact. Harping on the “issue” just validates the reasons for not wanting to associate with femme guys.
        Take rejection like men, and get on with it.:)

        1. “A lot of masculine guys aren’t attracted to effeminate guys. ”
          No, they aren’t, but that doesn’t mean they necessarily find femme guys obnoxious and “overrated”. My “harping” on the issue is no worse than your pressing it. (Point of inquiry: who was the one who brought up femme guys and, more particularly, made a statement about them that he knows is at least somewhat wrong to begin with?)

      2. A lot of masculine guys aren’t attracted to effeminate guys. It’s just a fact. Harping on the “issue” just reinforces the reasons for not wanting to associate with femme guys.
        Take rejection like men, and get on with it.:)

        1. Did you seriously dodge the entirety of my point which refuted the very asinine rhetoric that you once again put forth as a response to it?

          1. LOL
            Are you seriously still bitching because masculine, hot guys don’t want you…or because I stated the obvious nature of your resentment?

  5. Shameful that gays used to be seen as the smart sophisticated ones in society. Now we have douche-nozzles like this tarnishing our once sparkly reputation.

    1. Gays were never seen as the smart ones.
      That’s just the illusion gays spread about themselves, to compensate for being effeminate.
      prove me wrong.

      1. that’s not something that can be proven right or wrong, unless you’d care to prove your own statement “right”. don’t worry, i won’t hold my breath waiting. it’s just a massive generalization that can be applied to anyone in this format:

        _____ were never seen as the _____ ones. that’s just the illusion _____ spread about themselves to compensate for being _____.

        poorly thought out. easy to say. followed by further indication of a lazy mind attached to an overactive mouth: “prove me wrong.”

        hint: it’s not the flex you think it is.

  6. @Adam
    Are you seriously still bitching because masculine, hot guys don’t want you…or because I stated the obvious nature of your resentment?”

    See, there you go again. What made this about rejection?

    I just got done telling you that you’re the one who brought up femme guys as obnoxious, when “VGL guy” (grindr profile) didn’t even establish that point.

    Your completely childish attempt at pretending that you were refuted doesn’t mean you weren’t.


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