39 thoughts on “Time Sensitive Douche”

  1. Gee yet another douchebag who’s primary purpose in life is to make people of his own communit feel like shit. Well done, fuckstick!

  2. a 6 out of 10 on the doubhe-ometer.

    What does he imagine his readers think when they happen across his profile and read it? My retinas are burning – he’s about as connected with others as Linda Blair in The Exorcist when she vomited green goo and tacks on people who came near her.

    No doubt ‘it’s just preference’ and ‘nya nya – u’re just jealous’ is just a press of his ‘submit comment’ away.

  3. Well ouch! the no baldy thing hit home. Guess I’m out LOL. So he is 29 and draws the line at 32. Really? I guess he has a keen eye and can tell the difference between a 32 yr old and a 33yr old. Then again I wonder what his minimum age requirement is?

  4. So much hate in a profile. He may find a fuck bud it two, but no way will he find anything long lasting with that profile

  5. ….P……………../´¯/)
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  6. he’s wearing a baseball cap backwards – what is he 10 years old? what a sheeple. Not much over on 42 & 10th…..

  7. You gay guys are so sensitive? Someone put my profile on here too. Get a life! The only ppl who comment here or the guys that get rejected

  8. The queen is probably too busy complaining about how awful the world treats Asians to pay attention to his website

  9. You guys really need to get over rejection. Just because u aren’t his type u want to have a bitch fit? It’s so entertaining to come on this site and see all the hurt losers. I just visit it to make sure they don’t put my profile back on =-)

  10. Whatever you need to tell yourself to maintain your sad, overrated sense of self, Yes Sir. The rest of us know you’re just too clueless to understand why folks might be offended when you are offensive.

  11. It’s baffling because this guy isn’t being offensive at all. He’s basically saying what he doesn’t like to avoid wasting ppls time. Nothing is wrong with that at all

  12. Personally I’m just laughing because I think ugly people with incredibly high standards and arrogant ways are funny. But hey that’s just me.

  13. In addition to closing-in fast on 32, I’m guessing the dirty 0ff-white baseball cap is hiding a little cranial shine…..so, yet another self loathing douche determined to make others feel shit as he does.

  14. His age standards are like if a 69 year old guy said “no fuckers over 62! Don’t want no grandpas!” It’s insane. Your in the same age group asshole!

  15. @yes sir

    I just took down a poster for using the word ‘delusional’ on the crew of posters here. That poster suggested everyone was kidding themselves if they didn’t find ‘the guy hot’.

    Well, as irony would have it, I’m going to adapt the term ‘delusional’ here.

    It’s delusional to think that the posters here have not had their successes. Niche market, mate (and you can read that with the Aussie drawl I talk in). Everyone has a niche market, of course.

    As to the real issue – let me be clear. Maturation is the process of determining how to exist amongst a group. Social responsibility is about mutuality, and fostering group cohesion and learning how to be a group of adults.

    As it stands, his (the guy we’re all commenting on) has a falsified sense of sense of his own body assets. In a cosmically miniscule manner, he is foolishly using his Grindr profile to embarrass any well rounded adult.


  16. He has the Mega Douche’ hat position, Uber Douche’ height, and thinks he is sexy, with that deformed hand of his…. Can you say: Poster Child?

  17. Yes Sir: Actually, he’s quite ugly, but then I guess if you’ve got such low standards that pretty much include two legs and a living, breathing, fit body, I guess he’s the hottest thing you ever saw.

  18. Douchey . It’s ok for a guy who is in early 20s to say not over 32. Why a baseball cap? Think he might be a baldie on the way! What’s worse than these pretty dire guys are the APOLOGISTS who always say ‘ I know him he’s really nice’. 10/10 douche no exceptions!

  19. Admin,

    specifically what set him a part from the other insensitives and idiots? His “douchey” profile seems rather typical of the kind. I was hoping for something a bit more original. lol

  20. That’s my friend. He’s the sweetest guy. I really wish you guys would stop trying to ruin people’s reputation. This just perpetuates hate. Why not remove the profiles eventually? Trust me this guy is really nice

    1. Jeff,
      It doesn’t matter how nice he is.
      All that matters to these entitled queens is that he’s rejected them.
      You’d think that they’d be used to it by now…

      1. “It doesn’t matter how nice he is.”

        HA! Adam just admitted one of his major inept trait on this board.

        Looks like now we know why we don’t take him seriously.

        1. logic isn’t one of his fortes. he’s more into getting the last word by making the same point. But he’s got a line of hotties out side his house day and night apparently…

          1. LOL
            Not a line, per se, but, they do seek me out, primarily because I’m nothing like you.
            I can’t tell you how many of them have literally thanked me for that.
            You’re screwing yourselves out of great lives by being rude, obnoxious effeminates, but, by all means, remain bitchy.
            It’s working out so well for you so far, if you don’t count the constant rejections from hot men, from all walks of life, of course.:)

  21. The guy’s hot, and he knows it. So do you.
    That’s why you’re all so embittered by his rejection.
    He’s young, masculine, handsome, knows what he wants and isn’t willing to waste time with what he doesn’t:you.
    Get over it.
    Quit acting like a bunch of hysterical, rejected women.
    For once, avoid the stereotypes.

  22. Adam how do you know he’s masc? From this pic? If he says 29 he’s probably the age he thinks is too old, which is kinda sad.

  23. I love the narrow age range and dodgy baseball cap cover up! And honey coming on here being all indignant means your profile comes up! Learnt anything yet?


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