29 thoughts on “No Gay Stuffed Douche”

  1. Very sad. On the other hand, I rather like the wonderful little garland of whimsical little icons that show his human but also creative side.

  2. Poor guy is only allowed to play in the front yard … aww! But, it’s okay to play in a guy’s backyard in lieu of his GF?

  3. People on the down low are head cases at best. He wants to fuck up the ass, so he’ll fuck a guy? Sorry, not all gay men like anal sex, and not all who like anal sex are gay

    This guy is gay. He needs to figure that out

  4. To those who say he’s not a douche:
    1) ‘No gay stuff’…but I wouldn’t mind fuckin a guy up the ass. Nah, that’s not gay, though.
    2) His GF (if he has one) probably doesn’t want to do anal. That’s her choice, so he goes and cheats on her by using gay guys for his anal fix? He either needs to find another girlfriend who enjoys anal or bust the closet door open.
    This guy is as queeny as they come.

    1. my thoughts exactly, there must be girls out there willing to do anal, but he’s asking for guys…..

  5. Look at his Grundy. I WONDER if he and Kris Humphries rode the little yellow bus to their special needs school together?

  6. oops my bad…Look at his Grammar. I WONDER if he and Kris Humphries rode the little yellow bus to their special needs school together?

  7. He’s not a douche. Who knows? Perhaps his girlfriend doesn’t mind him having another bi-curious/bisexual dude for anal sex.
    Of course, you didn’t think of that. You were too busy feeling bitter about being rejected. Your obnoxious responses are why he doesn’t want any “gay stuff”.

    1. “Your obnoxious responses are why he doesn’t want any ‘gay stuff’.”

      Considering your air-headed, trite and frivolous cliched post, you seem to have quite a lot of experience with this, don’t you?
      Note –
      – You’re obnoxious
      – You act like a bitching ‘Queen’
      – No one wants to behave like you
      – No one wants you around


    1. LOL
      Follow your own advice.
      Boy, the truth in my posts must have really stung you, eh?
      You know what they say about “the dog who barks loudest is the one with the deepest wound”.:)

  8. Adam I think your posts get a raised eyebrow. No-one is really surprised by you and your same same comments – you’re the one that seems to be reacting strongest

    1. Trent,

      My posts are the same because your reactions to being rejected are always the same and, as always, you’ve yet to disprove anything in my posts.

    1. be careful…don’t validate the guuurrl with a,lot of issues… Adam spends,a lot of his,waking moments here looking for wrongs to right.

  9. @Adam
    Awww, did I come too close to the truth again for you “guys” to handle?:)”

    Awwww, no you didn’t, sweety. I was merely calling you out on your own ineffective trolling behaviour is all. Once again.

    You incorporated your threadbare “being rejected” sentiment, when no one was feeling “rejected” here. Light-heartedly making fun of the grindr head’s metaphor of “playing in the backyard” doesn’t mean people have ill-will towards him.

    Get over yourself.


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