18 thoughts on “Islamophobic Grindr Douche”

  1. So afghans, Sri Lankans and Algerians are in with a shot?
    Adam I hope you are getting the help you need somewhere else.

      1. I’m sorry you don’t even see your needing professional help when it’s right in front of you. I really am.

        What bother’s me is that you still think you’re cool/hip/effective.

        1. LOL
          AC, you’re just sorry…period.
          I’m still waiting for just one of you to prove me wrong.

          As for being effective, clearly I am, as everything I post triggers you.:)

  2. Admin is STILL No getting laid – bitter and vindictive.
    Stop going after white dudes, and get a life,

    1. LOL
      Oh, Case, you wouldn’t want to see my dance card.
      It would only make you even more embittered than you already are, because you cannot prove me wrong.
      IOW, the hot, smart, successful, masculine ‘white dudes’who are far out of your league come after me. I’ve never had to chase them.:)

  3. I’m.guessing this guy is trying to pick up Danish guys and is only getting the attention of other immigrant guys -smart Danish men and I don’t blame him

  4. Ironically he looks totally Arabic and probably gets shunned bit because of this – Adam of course you don’t believe in islamaphobia you’ve probably never left the USA..

  5. All of those are nationalities and has absolutely to do with Islam. Once again another moron as used the umbrella term of “islamaphobia” to include any and everyone from the Middle East. Islam is a religion not an ethnicity.

  6. The lady in the background with the backwards bikini top on her back is way hotter than that douche.

  7. Ever seen the TV show Community? Insert scene where Shirley and Jeff make fun of the guy with baby nipples? Yep. LOL


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