10 thoughts on “God Don’t Like Ugly Grindr Douche”

  1. He’s not a douche.
    He’s just saying who he’s not attracted to.
    That’s his right.
    He looks like David Bowie in “The Man Who Fell To Earth”.
    That’s a compliment.

    1. “He’s not a douche.
      He’s just saying who he’s not attracted to.”
      That’s exactly what made him a douche, Dindot.

      “That’s his right.”
      Well, don’t we all have ‘rights’? The douches have them to express ‘preference’. The sanely thinking people have them to notify the community on the existence of such douches and their ‘preferences’.

      1. “Notify the ‘community'”?
        If that’s what you call bitching about guys who(wisely)reject you, by extension, inadvertently showing everyone why, knock yourself out.lol

  2. 1. Ugly people are allowed to have preferences
    2. OP is a hypocrite for shaming this guy for having preferences and then expressing his own(no ugly)


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