10 thoughts on “Doctor Douche”

  1. *sighs*

    DBG, I understand you’re trying to get back on track with your website and provide as many new updates as you can, having been inactive for so many months. On the other hand, you’re hastefully looking for whatever bub who’s Grindr persona is merely unattractive to you but may not necessarily be a douch and ultimately demeaning peeps who are otherwise decent.

    Imagine you being bashed like this when you don’t deserve it.

    1. I think it’s the boastfulness of his profession/career, making the claim that he is “cute”, plus the hat and the beard. All the makings of a douche…but not quite there yet.

  2. lol I think u need to recognize the difference between “I just dont like someone” and “he is douche”.

  3. How is this guy a douche?
    Is it because his profession, etc., places him far beyond the administrator’s (and the people who suggested his placement on this site)reach?

  4. Adam, just be quiet.
    Stop looking for trouble.
    No, you’re not right. You don’t even know if admin isn’t capable of obtaining the same status.
    Enough said.


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