7 thoughts on “Darwinian Douche”

  1. And when the muscle trend fades out and “in shape” takes on a different definition, I wonder what “Grindr natural selection” might do to him…

    1. It hasn’t faded out in the last 100,000 years of human history, and it probably won’t any time soon, good luck with your bitterness, i.e., hope that his life/worldview becomes as miserable as you’ve just made yours appear.

  2. Why did so many gays take the “it’s okay to be openly slutty” lesson to heart after watching Samantha Jones whore around in Sex & the City? Show some finesse, dude

  3. “It hasn’t faded out in the last 100,000 years of human history”

    Oh, really? You mean to tell me that traditional women from certain developing Asian countries don’t find big-belled men sexually arousing? (Their eating well implies to said-women that they have great financial wealth.)
    You mean to tell me that some points in history in certain geographical regions, lean guys wasn’t the ‘new sexy’?
    Want me to keep “proving” you wrong?

    ” good luck with your bitterness”

    Nah, Bucky. I don’t need ‘luck’ to point out your foolishness; especially your display of regular logic inaptitude.

    “hope that his life/worldview becomes as miserable as you’ve just made yours appear.”

    Considering that “my life” is criticized by a brat who hardly is capable of stimulating conversation, beyond the same trite, platitudinous, threadbare, timeworn “He’s hot and he’s rejected you. Get over it.” idiocy (especially when it doesn’t even apply to certain situations where you say it),
    I really don’t think I lost very much.
    (Whew! That was a long and complex sentence.)
    Perhaps it’s time you checked out your own misery in life; and quit hoping that DouchebagsOfGrindr commenters would be as miserable as you are. Think about why hot guys have rejected you. It’s probably because you behave like this.^^
    Prove ME wrong, please.


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