7 thoughts on “Ass-thetic Douche”

  1. He’s not a douche.
    He’s just not willing to lower his physical standards, in order to give you a second glance.
    You should be used to this BY NOW.

  2. Again I hate to agree with fat Adam above but if this is what he wants good luck to him -panda means he’s Chinese I guess?

    1. LOL
      Tippy, still projecting, I see.
      At the very least, your pathetic hope that I’m “fat” just illustrates your general frustration at the truthfulness of my posts.
      Deal with it.:)

  3. First time on this site. Why do all the screenshots look like they were taken from a 2006 version of Grindr? And on different devices as if they’re by different people who are all using 2006 versions of Grindr? Do you just take the content and generate your own images for these posts? Just curious.


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