20 thoughts on “Age Fearing Grindr Douche”

  1. Haha, he’s not talking shit, he’s just letting the creepy nasty old fucks on grindr know they’re wasting their time. Don’t even pretend they don’t exist nor pretend all men age to become what he described. This guy is a douche for sure, but your comment is retarded, OP

  2. I don’t think he is a douchebag, I think he has every right of putting that on his profile. Im sick to death of having people old enough to be my dad and granddad being sexually inappropriate towards me. They don’t respect the fact you want someone your age to date. Good for him why should he have people in their 40-60’s ask him for sex and naked photos when he is only 19? Good for him. Plus I dont talk to people with faceless profiles as they dont have a face for a reason, the majority isnt good from my experience.

    1. I see your point but there are ways of saying you want guys your own age without being a bag of dicks about it. For example, “prefer guys my own age.” No big deal. But when your Grindr profile is just a list of things you DON’T want in way that puts down certain groups of people, then you are IMHO, a douche.

      1. He’s probably had a bed experience with creeps. We gotta admit there are older people on Grindr who are on the verge of being pedophiles. I’ve had problems with older men a lot.

        1. how is an ‘older’ person interested in, say, 17 year olds a ‘paedophile’, and at the same time a 19 year old person with the same preference is not ‘paedophile’?

        2. I’ve had a,few bed experience with creeps. lol.
          seriously meet then in busy public well lit areas the first time.
          I’ve had a,few guys,well into their 60s trying to.be 40

  3. It’s about male privelege, the idea that the whole world is designed specifically for their comfort and convenience. Add to that a complete lack of grace. “What a nuisance all these people attracted to me are becoming.”

  4. What a bunch of whining queens some of you guys are!
    This kid’s ahead of the game, blocking old guys who are trying to “amber-alert” him to death. So what if that includes you?
    Quit trying to pick up teenagers online, you pervs.
    He’s not the douche here.
    You are.

  5. Seriously? Young guy doesn’t want to meet a paedo or send naked pics and now he’s a douche? I’m starting to wonder about the insecurities/age profile & preferences of the guys sending in entries like this.

  6. He’s 19. He’s above the age of consent except in really weird jurisdictions. How is someone contacting him a “paedo”?

  7. He’s a cute young guy and I guess the sort that a lot of older guys will go for, no matter what he says he may have been harassed by older guys.
    You never know what has just happened to warrant this comment. Not so douchetastic. Some guys find it hard to take the hint.

    1. pay for grindr and,set a few filters. job done.
      if you gonna be a cheap scrub don’t blame random,messaging yo add,

  8. the problem with gay guys and anyone else for that matter is that they don’t want latinos, blacks or Asians or old guys. but in 30 years time when Maisie Williams gets older then those old guys haven’t matured emotionally and still run after younger guys. gay men and the issue of maturity……. the older you get the more the pool dries up……

  9. Not a douche at all, even if it was a crime to reject people based on their appearance, it’s very reasonable to expect a hookup or boyfriend to be actually around your age, not just for physical reasons, but also for character and personality.

    To the guy who wrote this kid should stop being cheap and pay for grindr to set up filters.. you do realize that this only controls what the kid sees and it doesn’t automatically remove him from grids of people who are too old for him, right?

    People put preferences for a reason on their profile, it’s the only way to get most of unwanted people from contacting them. If there was a way to just hide yourself from people you don’t want to message you, nearly no one would resort to putting preferences on his profile.

  10. “The BOY doesn’t want you.
    Get over it.”

    Since when was this about perfectlysecurewithmyself wanting the boy?

    Stop looking for trouble.


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