7 thoughts on “Accounting Grindr Douche”

  1. At least he’s being upfront and honest in placing those red flags. Political? Vegan? Shortie? Twink? I’m not saying he *isn’t* a douche, but his delivery is commendable!

  2. I’m not saying I even understand where the douchi-ness is. I get that he is boastful about having strong opinions and that he can get through alchoholic drinks without too much the tipid effect, but the DOUCHE hasn’t really caught me.

    One’s going to have to it explain it better.

  3. To see people here not getting that putting “chic” and “expensive lifestyle” in your profile is lame … Just sad how mainstream tacky douche has become.

  4. none of those are necessarily bad qualities all by themselves (with perhapsthe exception of self-described “chic”*), but all of them together tells me this youngster is on a road to a very fucked up location. i can see your future, son, and all i can say is arm thyself and gird thy loins.

    *imho, that is. diagreements welcome. they are after all the most fun part of this game.


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