33 thoughts on “Specific Douche”

  1. Some guys really think that finding a date or hook up is like ordering coffee at Starbucks.. no wonder most of them end up single

  2. He is definitely not that cute to be this
    exclusive!! He would barely be considered mid level in looks at your average city gay bar.

    1. Yeah, because in other countries, whites date every color of the rainbow for fun, knowing the entire time that they’re interested only in other whites for LTR, not that the POC are missing anything…

      1. And you’ve travelled when? Do you even own a passport?
        Race doesn’t seem to have the same connotations it does in usa. It’s not such a deal breaker.

  3. Have to say I agree with him about no Catholics or Republicans, or any other LGBT who gives their time, money or votes to a political or religious organization that wants us dead or at least in prison.

  4. He has only given the OK to Jews. Therefore only Gay Jews who fit into all those physical characteristics need apply.

  5. Huno you are right. If you go around being negative and saying what you don’t like you attract similarly negative people.

  6. Exactly, Timbo. The list of criteria that has to be matched is so huge that is virtually impossible to find anyone that would fit in. We live in a world that got us used to have everything ready-made and delivered according to our wishes, and automatically we transfer this behavior to human relationships. We forget that people are not products that can be custom made… this is a sure path to frustration

  7. So, this guy’s a douche because he knows what he does and doesn’t want, what does and doesn’t work for him,and is not afraid to say it openly? Really?
    What sense does that make?
    Or, are you just mad because you don’t meet his(and many other men’s, I’d imagine)requirements?
    He’s a good-looking guy. If he’s patient, he’ll find exactly who he needs, while you bitches will still be here, validating every negative gay stereotype.

  8. I don’t get the height specifics either. I’m 5’11 which is pretty average my gorgeous Hubbie is 5-7 of perfection…
    Use the limited space to sell yourself rather than some insane laundry list….

          1. you haven’t proved a point in 6 years or changed anyone’s mind, unless you have evidence to the contrary.


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