16 thoughts on “Rych Douche”

  1. I have a feeling and I pray to God I’m right that this is a joke from someone with a sense of humour so dry it doesn’t quite translate to the medium of Grindr which is a humour/irony free zone.

  2. I find it fascinating that people go on grindr just to turn people off. Maybe they’re just curious as to what kind of responses they DO get?

  3. ^ I think its beautiful in its own way and I’ve just seen the “str8” part
    baby probs mental but still very funny 😀

  4. You seriously think you’re “str8 model”? Might wanna lay off that “tina” for a while…

  5. Wtf this is definitely not fuckin me!
    I don’t even have Grindr.

    Wow people are lame stealing pictures and posting dumb ass shit!
    Karmas a fuckin bitch


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