18 thoughts on “Real Butch Douche”

  1. Total douche. Seems like shorter gay guys are overly masculine or overly feminine. That would suck having to “prove” constantly that you’re masculine. I feel sorry for him.

  2. Hee hee. I was in the USA and the Latino guys all showed up late, had eyebrow waxed to an inch of their lives and stood around pouting. And the average height seemed to be about 5’5!

  3. I would also say this is “racial” if not racist. I don’t get when people state their ethnicity in their profile. Does he really need to put “mex”? Or is he announcing attributes he’s looking for? Either way, we know he’s Latino for his mexistache that seems to be popular…

  4. Im so glad I went out and got my head knocked open by the police in the name of gay rights in the 80s so I could be discriminated against by my own kind. Ole!

  5. So, people are now douchebags for not being attracted to certain personality types or people much older than them?

  6. He’s hot, young, bi and masculine, and he doesn’t want you.
    Get over it.
    Decent people would be happy that he knows exactly what he wants.

  7. The age limit is totally reasonable if a bit low
    The picture is clear so u see what ur getting
    The hat is hideous but he’s a young lad he’s allowed to make fashion mistakes
    Hes a pocket rocket! These guys normally end up with knackered looking guys in their 40s though!not really douchey ( Adam stop liking your own posts u sad git)

    1. LOL
      Trent(or whatever your name is this week), stop projecting. That said, I am amused that you’re so worried/annoyed that others might agree with my posts, that you have to resort to accusing me of liking my posts.:)

  8. Those pursed lips …I guess masculinity is relative . I must be used to higher standards of masc in the UK !

    1. @Bobby-brit
      That’s funny, considering British men’s legendary effeminacy, especially the “posh” ones.
      What’s THAT all about…?
      The only butch Brits are the footballers, with the big, round, muscular bubble butts!:)


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