23 thoughts on “LOL”

  1. He has an iPhone which has the two-way camera on it, yet he still has to take his photo in the mirror, and even when doing that, he isn’t capable of looking at the camera itself, just the screen.

  2. Would definitely NOT do him–bad hair, looks to be wearing eye-makeup and wtf are the two things under his lower lip?

  3. Him a sex bomb? what is he on Crack? there is no way id do that!!! its grungy looking to say the least. some people need a reality slap!

  4. If I knew I had to have sex with him, my face would look like the Nazi’s at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark. But probably more melted. Trust me, skip the sex and rest comfortably tonight knowing that, in the morning, your penis won’t look like a slug covered in salt.

  5. So some asexual skinny twink says “I would do me”. Buddy you are the ONLY one who would do you.

  6. I think he’s actually cute (although the hair thing is just a tad overblown) I would definitely do him. That is, until I realized he’s as dumb as they come.

    1. The “I’d do me” & “Sex Bomb” are inside jokes.
      I got a first on my BA Hons Maths degree and I am almost qualified as a Mathematics teacher. Yeah, dumb as they come.

  7. I definitely wouldn’t touch him with a ten foot pole. I prefer men that actually look like men. Not men that look like little girls. Looks like someone beat him with an ugly stick.

  8. It’s hard for me to leave a comment because the only ‘word’ he’s telling me not to say is the only ‘word’ that springs to mind when I look at him.

  9. Customer Service Rep. at Argos & Studied NVQ 2 Food Preperation & Cooking at Newcastle College

    Not quite as good as “I got a first on my BA Hons Maths degree and I am almost qualified as a Mathematics teacher. Yeah, dumb as they come.”


  10. the LOL thing is right. These acronyms are incredibly annoying.
    Otherwise he is not offending a race or anything, shouldnt be here.


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